I'm Sorry Severus

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*A few days prior*

Dumbledore is sitting in his office when he hears a knock at the door.

He calls out, "Come in!".

Severus opens the door and walks in, holding the letter in his hand. 

Dumbledore smiles at the boy, "Ah, Severus. Please have a seat". 

He sits across from the Headmaster, with a slight anger in his eyes. 

"So, what can I do for you, my boy?". 

Severus sighs and places the letter on the desk, "I would like an explanation for this letter I recieved this morning". 

He grabs the letter and gives it a quick read, "Ah, yes. Well, as I said in the letter already, Severus, you are unable to graduate from Hogwarts early". 

"I fail to see why, Headmaster". 

He sighs, "I spoke with the other professors and we all agreed that you did not give a valid reason as to why you wanted to leave". 

Severus looks at him confused and crosses his arms, "I don't understand how me getting married is not a valid reason. Not to mention, my Potions Master title allows me to not have to finish my schooling, especially if I'm already 17". 

"Well, who are you marrying?". 

He stutters, "Uh...I-I can't say". 

Dumbledore sighs, "Since you are unable to provide evidence that you are actually getting married and to whom, we decided to not include it on our decision. As for your new title, congratulations by the way...". Severus rolls his eyes, "...since it's given you a choice as to whether you finish school or not, as Headmaster I still get a say in that choice". 

Severus stands from his chair, "This is unbelievable. I shouldn't have to prove that I'm getting married and who it's to is frankly none of your business. And I don't understand why it's not my choice. I'm legally an adult, you know". 

"I understand that, Severus, but unfortunatly the decision has been made. You're more than welcome to go to the Minsitry about this, but they will ask the same things I can assure you". 

Severus groans in frustration and storms out of the room. 

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