"Alright, you got this (Y/N).."
I sat in my parked car both hands on the wheel staring blankly at the house in-front of me. I let out a shaky breath that was a result of both the cold and nerves.

"Hey siri..call Grizzly" I spoke out

"Okay, calling..Grizzly 🧸"

I tapped my fingers on the wheel they were currently resting on and hummed to myself. Nelson answered and I could hear everyone talking in the background

"Yo" he said

"Hey, I'm outside"

"Alright just come right up imma get the door"

"Okay" I said nodding to myself

Nelson hung up and I finally found some courage to get out of my car and walk up to his front door. Just as I raised my hand to knock the door flung open with a smiling Chris on the other side.

"Oh!" I said shocked and the sudden action but smiled back at him

"(Y/N)!" He yelled looking down at me and I just nodded in response

"Don't just make her stand out there it's fucking freezing" Nelson said standing behind him Chris just laughed and shook his head

"What if I wanted to leave her out there" he responded but still moved out of the way allowing me to walk inside

"Oh hush, you don't have the balls to leave me outside" I said mocking him walking pass and he immediately stuck his arm out blocking my way and shut the door

"HEY!" I yelled laughing

I could see Nelson shoving Chris out of the way laughing and he opens the door

"Nelson. Get me out of the cold." I said staring up at him, he moves out of my way and I see Chris dying behind him. I walk inside and stare down Chris just making him laugh more taking my shoes off As soon as im standing in the middle of the walkway I see all 4 boys just staring at me. I look around at all of them confused did I have something on my face?

"Uhm.. are you guys alright?" I ask laughing nervously

"Its so crazy you're like...right there!" Max said smiling walking out of the kitchen to give me a hug which I reciprocate

"Yeah.. I find it crazy too kinda like a weird dream" I say laughing and they all nod

"WELL LETS ALL NOT JUST FUCKING STAND HERE WHERE ARE THE DRINKS!?" Jamie yells causing Nelson and Max to wheeze and I just shake my head smiling

"YEAH NELSON WHERE THE FUCK DID YOU PUT THE DRINKS!?" Chris chimes in and yells looking through the kitchen

"They're in the top left cabinet you alcoholic" Nelson responds walking into the kitchen grabbing 4 shot glasses

"You grabbed 4, theres 5 of us" Jamie says pointing at all of us counting

"No shit" Grizzy says "(Y/N) doesn't drink" he adds

Puffer shoots his gaze at me and looks at me as if I just shot his grandma or something

"No shot you don't drink" He says in disbelief I just shrug my shoulders

"Nope, not really my thing" I say smiling

"What the hell do you plan on doing in Boston?" He says shaking his head

"Babysitting all of you man babies" I smirk

"HEY!" Max yells "IM NOT A MAN BABY!"

"You're the last person that should say that" Nelson comments causing the rest of us to laugh

"Wow" Max says trying to play offended but fails to hold back his laugh aswell walking back into the kitchen with me following behind. Nelson pours all of them a shot and passes it to everyone, they all take a quick swig and all make disgusted faces...except Chris.

"It just taste like lemon" Max says

"Taste and smells like Nail polish" Nelson says with a disgusted shiver
4 hours has passed and the 5 of us have spent that time laughing, joking, and bickering with each other. I can tell they all were getting a little tipsy but it was hilarious how they kept bringing up random stories from the past and wheezing at it. Chris kept running off to Nelsons's office and going live for shorts amount of time before Nelson or Jamie would run up and stop him. I was sitting on the couch drinking a juice box and scrolling on twitter I found it funny how Nelson just had a random stash of them hidden in the back of his cabinet.

"Oh Smii7y is face timing me" Nelson says looking down at his phone with a huge goofy smile "should I answer?"

"Oh what the hell does he want" Chris says in a jokingly manner

"Yeah answer" Max says

Nelson answers the phone and moves it closer to his face laughing

"What the hell do you want!" Chris yells in the back causing Jaren to laugh

"Are you guys fucking drunk?" Jaren asks

"No but im a lil tipsy" Nelson says moving the phone away from his face

"Oh" Jaren says "imma take it as you guy's don't wanna record?" He asks laughing

"Hell no!" Chris yells

"We wouldn't be able to anyways (Y/N) is over" Nelson says and I shoot my head up from my phone looking at him

"Wait what?" Jaren asks "(Y/N) is over there with you guys right now?"

"Yeah she's sitting on the couch drinking a juice box..WAIT WHERE DID YOU FIND MY JUICE BOX?" Nelson yells idk how he just now realized I had one

"It wasn't hidden very well" I say shrugging and laughing Jaren stayed silent on the phone for a few minutes

"Can I see her?" Jaren asks and Nelson looks at me with a questioning look and I shake my head no

"Nope sorry dude gotta wait until Pax" Nelson says

"That's not faiiir you guys get to see her and I don't?" Jaren whines and I laugh in the back to which he smiles

"It's cause we're her favorite" Chris says teasing the jealous Canadian on the phone

"Don't flatter yourself" I say rolling my eyes and Jaren laughs

"Hey you guys hungry?" Max says walking out of the kitchen and everyone nods "good because I just ordered chic-fil-a"

"LETS FUCKING GOOOO!" Jamie yells jumping onto the couch beside me causing me to get a little air time and we both laugh

"Jesus Jamie you almost fucking killed me" I say

"Don't kill her before I get to see her!" Jaren yells

"Oh so it's okay for them to do it after tho" I joke

"Oh, yeah" Jaren says and I fake gasp everyone else just laughs

"No one is killing anyone" Nelson says walking to the couch sitting down

"Okay d a d" Chris says jumping on the couch just like Jamie

"PLEASE!" I yell falling off the couch laughing

"Oh my god!" Nelson laughs at me on the floor

"What? What happened?" Jaren asks confused

Lucky (Smii7y x reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang