"Well, I was going to see if you maybe wanted to do something tonight?" He bounced at the knee when he asked.

A small grin grew on my face, "uh. duh! What did you have in mind???"

"Anything you want is ok with me" he started before a sour look got smudged across his face. "Just maybe not a hike or a walk, please."

"Ha, ok." I rolled my eyes and picked up my phone to help me choose something out. "How do you feel about a bar? Club maybe?"

"I guess." He simply responded and took the place beside where I was standing. "Just maybe be aware of how much you drink if we choose that."

I cracked a small smile when he said that. "Yeah yeah, ok. What's the worst I can do? Kiss my boss?" I laughed out. "I think that ship has already sailed, plus I've been sober for what? 7 months now? I can clearly control myself."

He put his paws up in defense, "hey, I'm not saying you can't. Just that.. you get carried away when you're in the moment."

I stopped talking back for a second, thinking. "Buster," I started before retracting it. "Nevermind. Uh, how about we try here?" I asked turning my phone to his face so he could see the location I'd chosen on my screen.

(Guys this is so random but the thought that the movie My Big fat Greek Wedding existed wth)

"Uh, yeah. Go for it." He swept his eyes over my phone and gave me a warm smile.

"Aha!" I laughed out in excitement "oh this will be so fun!! I can't wait! I should pick out my outfit, oh oh can I pick out yours!?" I beamed to Buster.

He nervously laughed and nodded, "ah, sure?"

"Oh yeahhh" I sang out and ran to my room to get ready, I couldn't wait another second.


As we stepped out of the car buster was still fiddling around with the shirt I gave him.

"What? I thought you said you liked it." I said to him messing with the buttons on it.

"I like the look of it, kinda, I mean I would if it was on you." He cought up to me and we started walking down the sidewalk, "I'm just nervous. I would never wear something like this in public."

"Well yeah, I know. But sometimes you need to step out of your comfort zone, right?" I shrugged my shoulders and looked to him.

"I miss my suit." He mumbled and looked back to me, "but yeah, you're right."

"Hm, well, let's get in and have some fun. Yeah?" I asked rhetorically and opened the doors of the main lobby. It was dimly lit with neon pink lights. "Woah, sick.." I whispered as my eyes followed the room.

"IDs please." A rhino standing at the entrance of the actual area. You could hear the chattering voices, clanking of glasses, and music leaking out of the door.

We both had our IDs checked and headed in.

Upon entering there was a blast of smells that hit us, mainly alcohol and food.

"Isn't this place great!?" I flip around to see some dancers performing on the main stage. (They may or may not be strippers 🤷/j)

Buster moon x Masc Readerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن