FINAL CHAPTER: Chapter XII (My name is....)

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Alamm suddenly awoke in an unfamiliar place, it had sky-blue wallpaper with clouds and a 2 winged object with a person sitting inside of it with a scarf, a cap, and some funny-looking goggles. He started to move around the room to investigate. Weirdly enough, it seems like he couldn't interact with anything. He looked at his hands and saw a disturbing image, he had no fingers, he was transparent, and worst of all, he now had chains with string around both of his wrists. He was a trapped ghost. He started to panic and scream but no one heard him except 2. First was a boy around 1 year old, he slowly woke up in his wooden crib with saliva flowing down from his mouth as he held his favorite toy next to him. The child didn't seem to freak out, he just watched with awe at what he was seeing, Alamm stopped and started staring at the 1-year-old toddler who was barely able to stand up and almost fell over from trying to get out of the crib but he continued nevertheless towards his destination which was the ghost. But suddenly the child fell asleep and his body fell over. Alamm heard a sudden voice calling out to him from the child. It seemed to be telepathy but he never thought that he would hear her again. "Hello? Is that you, young prince? It's me, Opellie" exclaimed the voice. Alamm responded "Yes I can hear you! Where are you? Where am I? And why am I a ghost?" Opellie finally answered all his questions "I'm where I'll always be. As for you... well... you are in the 21st century. And for why you are a ghost... I apologize, but I failed to resurrect you." That gave Alamm asked more questions "B-but why? Why did you revive me?" Opellie responded "That is the cost of giving you a name. I'm not sure when we will be able to meet up, but please. Take care of Vasal Renat." Opellie suddenly went silent as he felt a string being severed. He was trapped as a ghost, in an unknown world and with no way to talk to the one who sent him here. But that didn't matter, his body was stolen again... and now that soul will receive hell for it.

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