Chapter VIII (The Reborn)

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He no longer felt human, but he didn't feel totally inhuman. He now had strings that were stuck into him, as if those strings were his blood streams. His eyes felt sharper, he felt as if he was able to see through the deep abyss that is the forbidden room. He heard the voice clapping slowly "You did it... You can now move on to your next life.... It was foolish of me to think that I finally found a companion to talk to in this empty void" said the voice with a sad tone. "What are you talking about? I can't move on when you are still here" said The Reborn "You helped me regain my previous identity, now it is my turn to help you." The voice chuckled a bit "You can't save me; I was chosen to be here due to my masters request." The voice replied, so the Reborn asked again "Well, can you at least show me yourself? I may have sharper eyes now, but I am still unable to sense you or see you." The voice went silent for a moment, then it replied "Very well" The second the voice said that a bright light started to shine, it was like the sun just appeared in this empty void, suddenly the Reborn saw so much more. All the feint voices floating in this eternal darkness, all different colors, all different races, it's as if this room connects everything. The light stopped being as bright and gradually became darker so it won't burn anyone's eyes. The Reborn looked towards the dim light as he saw a creature he never expected.

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