Chapter IV (The Game)

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The match began. It was a board game as usual, but this game was so lost to time that no name remains for it. The match was intense, with every move made causing the opponent to regain control. The advisor walked around the game, occasionally leaning in to check the pieces orders. Suddenly, there appeared an extra piece on the young prince's side. "YOUNG PRINCE" shouted the advisor, interrupting the game. The young prince looked up confused "What is it?" The advisor pointed towards the extra piece on the board and asked "What is the meaning of this? I taught you better than this." The young prince and the noble finally realized what he was talking about but the prince was confused while the noble was even more confused and started to question his memory. "Wait... Since when did you add a piece there, prince? I was watching you myself the entire time and even I didn't notice it. If you were actually cheating, I would have wanted to catch you in the act." The prince replied in shock "I didn't even see that piece" the prince continued "And that piece is aimed straight for the king? When did that piece appear advisor?" asked the prince with a perplexed expression. "Do not lie sire, I clearly saw you place that piece 2 rounds ago." Answered the Advisor with a disappointed face and then continued as if he spoke with a broken heart "Now.. as per agreement, you shall walk past the forbidden door, and the noble will be taking your place as king" "WAIT WHAT?!" Exclaimed the prince

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