Chapter 13

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Conversation between the systems

[SV1 please you've got to help me! ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚]

[SV2 what the hell happened to you!? ὸ.ό]

[The host he's too scary!'.·'¯'(>▂<)'¯'·.]

[Scary? く(^_・)ゝ How the hell can you of all systems be scared? I mean you've dealt with worse haven't you with your previous hosts?]

[He's different! You have no idea! Host, he's... he's the devil incarnate I tell you!]

[You must be overexaggerating he can't really be that bad now can he?]

[Actually, he's ten times worse than that...]

[Seriously? Let me go take down a look through your memory banks and we'll see how much of a boogie man he actually is]

[Sharing and Downloading Memory Banks...]


[See I fucking told you he's a fucking raving psychopath!]

[I'm sorry but you're on your own SV2. I can only wish you the best of luck bye bye!]


[SV1 logged out of chat...]

[Shit! Now what am I supposed to do!]

An Ding Peak; An Ding Peak Lord's office: Shang Qinghua Pov.

Shang Qinghua was doing what he can to recall everything he wrote back in his draft about the plot twist of the psychopathic younger twin who by the way was the actual scum villain Qing Jing Peak Lord!

Ok, maybe calling him a psychopath was a bit too far considering he only became the way he did after losing everything including his sanity. He means, who wouldn't become insane after being tortured and experimented on by a sadistic incestuous pedophile pervert and some evil demonic cultivators looking to make a quick buck? The answer was probably no one...

The fact that Shen Shi/Yuan aka Scum Villain actually managed to hold on for as long as he did was a miracle in itself. He mostly had his brother's presence to thank for that as it was literally the only thing keeping him sane at the time. Shen Jiu was everything and Shang Qinghua literally means everything to his scum villain son. He was his reason to live and without him well, Shen Shi saw no meaning to life itself anymore.

Even Ning Yingying his honorary niece couldn't salvage the lost broken soul that had long perished the moment Shen Jiu died. At most she could only see flickers of the man who used to exist from the small rare intimate moments the uncle and niece would share together. But like he said they were extremely rare as his scum villain had left most of his niece's upbringing to his hallmasters, unlike Shen Jiu who took a more direct approach in raising the young toddler in this reality.

Shang Qinghua looks back to the note he scrabbled about the general outline that he could remember about the plot.

Shen Shi and Shen Jiu are twins who were born into poor farming households. They were left orphaned fairly early on in their life and taken in by family relatives who took care of them for a while before selling them to the slave traders when they were around 4 years old mostly due to an onslaught of natural disasters that left their coffers dry.

The two then met Yue Qi who was the missing child of a nobleman related to a rather powerful noble clan. He became their main caretaker alongside two other slaves Ning San and Jiang Wu. The other two older slaves were sold not long after the two children got used to their life as slaves. This marked the beginning of the blackening of the younger twin who was forced to face a reality he shouldn't have at his young age alongside his brothers.

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