Chapter 6

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Room: Shen Qingqiu Pov.

"Mmm, this tastes so good." His brother hums making the most ridiculous smile he has so far yet to have seen since they were children while eating the Sesame Seed balls he had his disciples buy for his brother and himself.

Shen Qingqiu just dumbfoundedly stares at his brother as he smiles and takes another bite of the Sesame Seed ball. He looks so happy eating those Seed Balls that you wouldn't think he just heard the devastating news of their former brother's betrayal yesterday. Although a part of him is happy that his brother isn't depressed as he had originally expected him to be. But a part of him honestly wants to slap himself in the face. Seriously, he can't believe he spent an entire evening worrying about how his brother would react towards the news just for his brother to be nonchalant about it the next day.

After that big oaf left, he spent an entire shichen lecturing his brother for not telling him about his memory loss to which his brother endlessly apologized for saying he didn't want to worry and cause him more burden than he already had. For the first time in a long time, Shen Qingqiu hit his brother's head with his fan (so lightly you can't even call it hitting) for his idiocy and told him to never ever do something stupid like that ever again.

Although he acted fine in front of Mu Qingfang and that big oaf he was actually very shaken when he saw his brother's face turning pale and how he tried to cover it up by giving the same excuse that he was fine when in actuality he wasn't. It scared him, it brought him back to the times when they were at the Qius and how every time he questioned his brother about his health he had insisted he was fine. At the time Shen Qingqiu was too tired from being punched and kicked by that monster to push his brother for answers, so he left him alone. Oh, how he eternally came to regret that decision. No matter how tired he was he should have pushed his brother, he should have gotten him to confess what was really happening. Had he known he would have at least done something about it.

Shen Qingqiu understands that was the exact reason his brother tried his best to keep that... from him. His brother knew that if Shen Qingqiu knew about that... he would confront the monster head-on. He probably thought that the monster would subject him to the same torture or even something worse if he had which the monster literally threatened his brother to do if he did not keep his mouth shut. As a result, by the time he lost his patience with his brother keeping secrets from him and decided to finally investigate what was going on it had been too late.

Once he found out he did exactly what his brother feared he would do and confronted the monster about it. He could still recall the rage and anger he felt as the monster laughed and explained to him how his brother begged him to leave the older twin out of it that he would do anything as long as the monster would leave his brother alone. He will never forget the words the monster spewed out to him with his dirty filthy mouth just before he stabbed him.

'It was so hilarious watching you stay so clueless about your brother and how you innocently believed you were protecting him all the while in reality you were the one who was being protected and your brother was paying the price for it. I laughed my guts off watching your sibling dramas at how you tried to protect your brother by sending him off whenever I came not realizing you were sending him off to a place even worse than hell you were facing!'

Shen Qingqiu's teeth gritted at the memory and his brother who noticed his distress placed his hands over his and promised him that this time he won't ever hide his body's condition again. That from now on he will tell him if he doesn't feel well if that would make him feel better. He doubts that his brother will ever keep that promise but he was happy with the sentiments at least for now. Really looking at them you wouldn't be able to tell which one was the older one. For a cocky sticky brat, his brother could be so mature sometimes when he actually uses his brains that is.

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