Chapter 2

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Qing Jing Peak Bamboo Hut Shen Yuan POV.

Shen Yuan slowly opened his eyes again to see two figures hovering over him.

Huh? That was strange. He had expected to find himself covered by darkness again after that strange dream of his. Was this some sort of continuation of it? Or had he somehow managed to survive and he was in the hospital now? No, that wasn't possible because he was pretty sure he had died. Then what was this?

When Shen Yuan's mind slowly starts clearing up and he could clearly see the two figures he finally comes to the realization that whatever this was he was not in a freaking dream! Wait, that wasn't a dream!? This is all real!? Just what the fuck is going on!?

"Shen Shixiong can you hear me?" The man with the mustache asked him

'Shixiong?' Since when did he become someone's martial brother? Shen Yuan vaguely nods his head to answer the question being asked despite his head being completely mushed. He wanted to use his voice but it seems his throat had already overexerted itself with the conversation (or at least he thinks it was) he had with Jiu Ge before he passed out again.

Noticing how he was responding with a nod and not with his voice the man examined his pulse giving Shen Yuan the impression that this man was probably a doctor or a healer "Shen Shixiong just in case I will ask you but do you have trouble using your voice?"

Shen Yuan nods in reply to the man's question

"I wanted to ask you a couple of questions but since you are unable to respond using your voice you can just use your hands or shake to respond. Do you think you can do that?" The man gently asks him

Shen Yuan nods to that and the man gently smiles at him in response. The man then begins asking him loads of questions beginning with how he was feeling to whether he felt any kind of discomfort aside from his throat. He was used to all these questions after spending in the hospital for so long. It was standard procedure to make sure that there was nothing wrong with him physically or mentally.

"Ok, we only have a few more questions to go." The man tries to reassure him "Do you know where you are?"

Shen Yuan shakes his head no

"Of course he won't recognize it, this place was built after I became Peak Lord while he was still in a coma" His brother scoffs at the man while Shen Yuan mentally sighs.

Wow, his brother really hasn't changed much at all, had he... But wait Peak Lord?

The mustache man sighs at his brother's remark before turning his face back to Shen Yuan "Well you are currently in a room inside your brother's private residence on Qing Jing Peak"

Qing Jing Peak? Where is that? He had never heard of the place before back when he was at the Qius. But it did sound familiar maybe they encountered the place when the young mistress dragged them along on one of her shopping sprees. However, another more important question kept nagging at him. Since when was his brother able to afford his own private residence!? Just what happened while he was gone!? How in the world did he manage to get the money to afford all of this!? Because he's pretty sure that the money they had secretly stashed under the floor wouldn't have been near enough to buy a fraction of these things. And he's pretty sure no matter how smart or great his brother was that he didn't pull off a bank heist or something like that. (Did banks even exist in this era? He really should have focused on those history lessons) But judging from his clothes he looked like a scholar so maybe he got hired by some noble or rich person and that was why he was able to afford this? He has no freaking clue anymore!

"Do you know what happened to you before you entered into a coma?" Shen Yuan hears the mustache man ask him despite the inwardly panicked state

He was in a coma? Well, at least that explains part of this weird situation. Shen Yuan yet again shakes his head no

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