Chapter 8

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Qing Jing Peak Entrance: Shang Qinghua Pov.

'Can someone remind me again how in the world I got stuck in this mess again?' Shang Qinghua internally whined at himself as he worked on the arrays.

[Just like System said before Host has no one to blame...]

It was a rhetorical question

[System is aware of your sense of humor, so this system thought it to be fitting to respond with one of its own. Host once remarked that this system lacked a sense of humor, so this system studied various types of humor and comedy. Is the host pleased?]

I take it back I liked you better when you were more sadistic and mechanical. So please reinstall or re-update or undo or something and go back to normal

[Host should be perfectly aware that while it is possible for this system to cancel a download or upgrade it is impossible to undo it once it has commenced]

Since when have you ever given me a choice to cancel them!? I keep telling you that I don't want a freaking download but you never once listened to me you crummy machine!

[System is merely doing what is best for the host. Since host has a history of making poor choices in his life this system thought it best to personally guide you on your life decisions including ones regarding the system]

Poor choices!? Since when have I ever made poor life choices!?

[Should system, make a list from alphabetic orders or...]

Please stop I'm sorry I'll apologize please forgive me System Dada!

[This system forgives host]

"How much longer is this gonna take?" Qi Qingqi rolls her eyes losing more of her patience at how long it is taking to deactivate the arrays guarding the entrance.

"I just need a couple more minutes to deactivate a few more and we should be finished" Shang Qinghua replies trying his best not to scoff or snap at his martial sister. He was extremely pissed and annoyed by the entire ordeal as it was from being dragged from his short vacation and then forced to deactivate these arrays his scum villain son set up to protect his peak. He didn't need her hounding down on him for him to blow a fuse. But what choice did he have against a very scary woman who could easily beat him up to a pulp anytime she wished? He was already being beaten up by his King on a weekly basis he's definitely not going to add his martial sister to the list.

Anyhow, just how many arrays did his scum villain son set up!? This is the 30th one he deactivated and yet there's still so many more! He swears that there's at least a hundred maybe even more of these things. He's supposed to be the array and formation specialist of the peak not to mention the demi creator of this world but at this rate, even he is willing to admit defeat. Shang Qinghua knows just how paranoid and well-prepared his scum villain was but not to this extent. To set up such perfect and complex arrays all over the peak even though it should have been completely outside of his specialty... Also, the amount of spiritual power needed to power this monstrosity was no joke... No wonder he was the freaking strategist and third most powerful cultivator in the sect!

Shang Qingqiu continues to internally curses himself for writing the novel. Just why the fuck did he make his scum villain such a fucking overpowered perfectionist Gary Stue character!? What was he thinking making his scum villain such a powerhouse that no one could beat him aside from the Sect Leader and Bai Zhan War Lord? He pauses a moment at that thought. Deeply thinking about the words he said just now.

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