~ ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ: 5, ɴᴏ ᴛɪᴛʟᴇ ~

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Authors note: LMAOO SORRY IVE BEEN GONE FOR A WHILE, I have been researching the art of more fanfics and actual school writing so I think I am well educated enough now. figuring out what school I should go to next year is also hard. Anyways enjoy.

The day was rather challenging for both of them, for one, Yukio having dealing with Rin wanting to see literally everything Assiah offered and not listening to instructions. While Rin had to be stuck in a bag all day forced to not move much and smell yukio's lunch box and be expected not to eat it, which he learned later was a rule after he ate it. As he peaked out watching all the many other humans flee out of the building while Yukio went the other way, Rin was baffled to say the least, wasn't the exit that way? Isn't it the time most humans get out of school. Schools boring in both gehhena and Assiah, so why is Yukio going away from the two large exit doors. Rin of course poked his head out and began making tinny flames on yukio's hands while he reached for something in his pocket. "What." Yukio ask, well it doesn't really sound like he was asking or rather demanding instead. "Where are we going?" Questioned the white hair boy. "You'll see in a minute." Was all the answer the blueish white haired teen received, as he as pushed back into the cramped school back.


He was correct, was it really a minute when Rin was pulled from the bag, he protested a bit then was quickly plopped on the floor, he blinked and furrowed his brow upset at the rather rude and uncomfortable way he was being tossed around and about. He was the prince after all, then again no one really gave a shit or two who he was. Not in Assiah that is. He was surprised for a second when he saw the old man that kidnapped him but he apparently knew Yukio, as they were discussing something about classes which Rin quickly was lost on in a few words in, deciding the information was not precious enough for him to remember or comprehend. As he began to play with the bottom of the teachers desk. Though he heard something that made him stop, someone was coming, Rin of course, decided the best place to hide would not be the bath but under the desk, stop drop and roll? Nah just get under a desk, that's what Rin would do.( THAT IS A JOKE DO NOT GET UNDER A DESK UNLESS IT IS PROTOCOL , LISTEN TO PROTOCOL AND DRILLS OR SOMETHING. I AM NOT RESPONSIBLE  FOR WHAT YOU DO.) Multiple steps came in the room one after the other. As Yukio looked around discretely for Rin till Rin could tell he was having a minor panic internally from the lack of the child. Meanwhile shiro simply began to teach as if all were good in the world and they hadn't just lost the son of satan, heir to the throne, successor, favorite, youngest, and inheritor of the blue flames and all demon kind. The room stank of holy water as Rin always felt like gaging as Yukio sat down in the chair by the desk Rin was hiding under. Yukio blinked as he found Rin and Rin stared up at him as yukio's expression turned dark and annoyed and kicked at poor Rin. As Yukio mouthed what wouldn't even be allowed with freedom of speech. That day Rin knew that yukio's glare could be more terrifying than most of the baals.

Rin deciding it was a good idea slithered under yukio's legs and peaked over then like he wouldn't get caught as he eyed the students, they were a few of them, a puppet guy, with light brownish hair which had curls and hid his eyes, wearing a hoodie and pink rabbit puppet in one hand with disturbing button eyes. Rin was decently sure it was a demon, well, he hoped it was. Another was a blonde girl, with light green swirls of a eye color for her big doll like eyes, she looked nervous yet Cherie at the same time. She was dressed in a kimono wear that lucifer had basically preached to him about knowing the Japanese culture and tradition as well as many others that Rin couldn't name if he tried. Her familiar was a baby greenman, as it was squealing to her happy babbling of whatever it had done yesterday. She smiled softly to it as it continues to happy squeal. Then the group of three, the biggest one looked really really cool to little Rin with yellow like rooster hair style, piercings, and mad resting bitch face Rin always squealed at how cool he looked, honestly Rin was in total fan girl mode for his style. Secondly there was a pink haired boy, which Rin was surprised at, Rin didn't know humans came in pink. He was wearing the school uniform but with a green shirt over the sweater. As he leaned back in the chair Rin got the impression he was fun. The shortest of the group was a bald kid with big glasses, he looked rather nerdy but he was rather chatty to the bigger guy, which Rin will be calling rooster.
Lastly the two girls, the purple haired girl that Rin thought looked like a kitsune! It's the eyebrows as she looked bored and upset out of her mind just being in this class she had long pigtails too, eyebrows would be a good nickname. While the last person was a normal short haired looking girl who was seemingly chatting to eyebrows about some boy.

Odd bunch but Rin really couldn't complain, the school in gehhena was those classy private schools and his father insisted on sending him to the best in gehhena, and gehhena is huge! Way bigger than the whole of Assiah for sure. Everyone had their eyes on him 24/7. Like even in the castle people would mind their own business! But it was okay, he never really understood things well but he some how passed. (Me be like)

As shiro began teaching and Yukio helping Rin was forced back under the safety of the teachers desk and to listen, exorcists? Is that what this is a cram school for training exorcists? That would mean... he is stuck in a room with two highly trained exorcists, one being the current paladin while they were teaching students to kill demons? Like Himself?...

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