ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 𝟹: ᴛɪɴʏ ᴅᴇᴍᴏɴ, ʙɪɢ ᴘʀᴏʙʟᴇᴍ

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<33Authors note: I'd like to apologize for the wait my little devils! I have no clue where this story is going, I am simply going the way my thoughts are driving me, although, possibly if you were to give me some requests or ideas I can get more inspiration. Since this is my first ever story, let alone a fan fiction, I Have been reading a lot more often to help my writing and any criticism would help greatly. <33

3rd person <33
He sighed, 'how in this hell hole of a world would was I going to explain to Yukio, let alone the Ex-Wire's that I was tasked to take care of the youngest son of satan, not only that but I have the task to introduce him as well to my class?! What the hell did that clown have in mind?...' Shiro thought to himself making his way down the dark dimply lit halls, back to the Ex-Wires home classroom, Shiro, unluckily enough had posponed his classes next lesson due to Astoroth appearing. Then finding Rin was just his luck, as he unlocked the door, opening it. He took Rin out of his trench coats shoulder blade area, where Rin was trying to bite at him, rin learned from experience from all the fights in gehhena that biting was sure a way to get someone to let you go, but it seems Shiro wasn't effected or simply had no care about it since Rin's little sharp teeth didn't even seem to lay a wound on Shiro, 'jeez, how many times has this man got bitten by a demon child? Is he even a man?' Rin though As Shiro, plopped Rin down on his desk as if he was a toy or a figurine. Shiro begins doing his work, complaining the whole time while smoking. He tended to do that when stressed or on missions. As Rin watched as Shiro scribbled words that Rin couldn't understand on his paper work, eventually, Shiro looked up feeling eyes on him and his brown ones are met with deep blue ones of a curious little black haired Nephilim. Shiro fujimoto stared with a eye brow raised at the boy before him, "What?" He asked, catching Rin out of his awe filled gaze, "oh, nothin' I just don't know human writing." Rin said a bit dismissively, "huh? You don't know how to write?" Shiro asked cracking up a bit at understanding why the kid looked at him so amazed. "That's not what I said, old man. I said I don't know how to write in human!" The black haired boy said defensively. Shiro couldn't contain his laughs at the defensive angry looking Nephilim child trying and failing at being intimidating at the moment to the paladin. Rin's tail swayed back and forth, ruffling up as he was annoyed. Shiro patted the kids head, feeling little horns under his fluffy black locks of hair. Rin looked up confused at the touch, anger seemingly gone to confusion. "How about I teach ya how to write kiddo?" The old grey haired man said with a smile. Slowly the coges begin turning in Rin's mind as a bright smile grew on the young Nephilim's face. Tail no longer puffing up behind the young boy in anger but instead staying side by side in excitement.
"Really?!" The raven haired boy asked in excitement. "Calm down, kiddo." The older male said, trying to calm down the excitement practically radiating off the younger male. The rest of the night at the cram kids home room was not doing the cram kids homework plans for tomorrow, but in fact spending excruciating hours attempting at teaching the young boy how to read, write and do basic human etiquette that Lucifer nor any of his other brothers bother to teach him before entering the human world. Shiro quickly learned that Rin had trouble learning unlike most demons who quickly adapted at human speech, studies, etc. Rin had got his fathers stubborn sense of learning and made it much more difficult to learn, though satan did have trouble learning he didn't have a lack of wanting to learn, which Rin did lack. So Rin had no drive to learn much and quickly got bored of it, but shiro, a determined old part wasn't taking no for a answer. That quickly led to shiro practically forcing the knowledge down his throat. Finally, at 1:06 a.m. shiro decided enough was enough, and put away the ABC writing packet of homework for Rin and grabs him, stuffing him in his trench coat as always. You'd be surprised at how good Rin could hide in the man's trench coat. Walking out of the buildings halls, only to emerge outside of the building and soon in the now damp, wet and dark parking lot, apparently it seemed to have rained quiet heavily. Soon they arrive into shiro's sketchy white van they go. Grabbing Rin out of his coat and throwing Rin into the back of the van. Poor Rin lands with a loud 'thud', yet shiro is too tired to care. As they drive to the monastery, the ride is surprisingly quiet, eventually arriving at their destination. As shiro parks, soon exiting the vehicle, then getting out a napping hell spawn out of the car just to bring him into the Monastery. He soon enters to find the other church members around the table, with believe it or not, cards. As the dark blonde known as Izumi is the first to speak, "did you take a child?!" He practically screamed, as shiro glances at the sleeping child in his arms. "Did you kidnap him?" Kyodo pipes up after putting some money down at the center of the table. "No! I found this brat in the woods then he wouldn't stop following me." Shiro said, trying to defend himself a tiny bit. Maruta glances away, seemingly wanting no part in the conversation and in turn begins shuffling the cards. Izumi stares at him, with a blank face "you just randomly found a sleeping child in the woods?" Izumi asks, voice filled with sarcasm. As kyodo thankfully changes the subject, "well, it doesn't matter where you found him, he is here now. Is he temporary or here go stay?." He asks.
Shiro looks away, shifting Rin more onto his chest to get out a cigarette. As tired Rin groans a bit, uncomfortable in his current position against Shiro, as Maruta glances back, "we should put him in yukio's old room, I'm sure he wouldn't mind." Muruta says. "Yeah, yeah, i won't deal with him bitching if he does mind." Izumi states. As shiro quickly exits the conversation as well as the room, going down the hall, and opening up yukio's room. The white door creaks open revealing a clean room, neatly folded and all of his little to no belongings are no longer here, the room is practically fresh bones besides the bunk bed. As shiro places down the sleepy Rin into the bed, tucking him in. He turns around to the door, before glancing back at the child he found. He sighs, still progressing he brought the literal anti-Christ into the house of god. He is pulled back into reality as a smile cracks on his lips as soft snores fill the room. As Shiro closes the door softly and quietly.

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