ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛᴡᴏ: ᴛᴀᴋᴇɴ??

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♥ Author note again! ♥ hello again my favorite little devilish readers! It is I! The author, I forgot to say this in the last chapter but I do not own any of the rights to blue exorcist / ao no exorcist, I just own this story!!! Anyways, I'd just like you all to have my sincerest apologies for my, oh so terrible grammar. Anyways- enjoy!
Father Fujimoto POV:


As lean against the tree I collapsed next to, I grumble, annoying demons, first my day starts off with being woken up at 5 .a.m. due to the 'rising demon attacks', then having to literally dig for clues in hell hound waste, you heard me, Poo! Later, I heard there a rouge demon king in the town, when trying to deal with him, one of his ₣Ʉ₡₭ł₦₲ kins bit me in my torso. Now, I'm in the middle of no where, in the woods injured. I sigh, looking at the wound as I cringe back at the sigh, Rot forming everywhere around the wound, as I to try cleansing it, I flinch knowing this will hurt like hell as I pop a cigarette in my mouth lighting it and then putting my lighter and pack away once again to grab some holy water as I pore it over the wound. I tense and bite down a cigarette and my lip in pain, as the pain subsides after a bit, I drop my cigarette to grab another non bitten one as I heard a crunch, and two bright blue eyes stare at me from the darkness I grab my gun pointing it towards it, as a black haired child  steps forward, not looking any older than 5, he looks scared and confused, seemingly a normal child when met at the first glance, but something is different his eyes, they seem something different than human, especially his aura and his whole vibe, like, what is a child doing here in the pitch black dark, without even being a bit scared by a bush or Twigs? I had a hell of time with those, and it doesn't look like he's living out here, he doesn't have a belly but he isn't deathly skinny either.. I lower my gun a bit, taking the cigarette out of my mouth, "what are you doing out here, kiddo?" I ask, he looks up at me, "I got lost, why are you out here, old fart?" He asks, I am surprised and taken aback, "old fart?! I'm the paladin you know! Besides, show some respect to your elders!" I say, a bit upset but also playfully as I pull on his ear, it's pointed, something is definitely up with this kid, as he yells in pain, "Ah! Let go! Quit it you old fart!" He says in a Whiny mad voice. There is a glint in his eyes as he grins, showing me a probably award winning smile before he bites me, he just fucking bit me! I retract my hand as he sticks out his tongue and pulls his lower eyelid in a teasing manner. I try and sit up, but remembering my open wound I fall back down as he glances at it, "old fart, are you okay?" He asks. The older male winces, before putting on a playful smile trying to play off the pain, as he pats the younger black haired male on the head, "Ah.. sure am kid! Don't worry, nothing I can't- -insert pained noise- can't handle.." fujimoto says, as Rin huffs, not believing that for a minute as the pushes fujimoto out of his way, and looks at the wound on his torso, with a mumble "ʎonɹ ɯoɯ" rin says the incantation his father taught him. As the wound ignites into blue dimly lit flames, the wound closes up, it's a bit slow but it gets the job down, as father fujimoto stands in shock, knowing that that this boy before him is indeed a demon, yet he is helping him? He may be trying to get close to the true cross out of fear of being exorcised... yet he is still a child, though demons still do live much longer than humans.. though this demon was able to use satans flames, who exactly is he?..

Rin's pov

This stubborn old human! Why did he decide to lie to me and hide his pain?
Humans are so stubborn. Though, he has no right to speak, due to him being stubborn himself, as once I finish I looked up and showed one of my toothy smiles, it was the cutest sight to be seen if I hadn't ruined it by adding, "there you go you old fart!" Happily. Father fujimoto just scoffs, "what's your name, kiddo?" He asks, ruffling my hair, I blink, "it's Rin, and what's your name, old fart?" He ignores the last part apparently, before speaking. "Ah, Rin? Nice name.. I knew someone who had a baby named Rin, I doubt it survived the snow.. Anyways, enough with the gloomy stuff, my name is father fujimoto Shiro." He says, quickly changing in tone, snow..? Wasn't that where father found me after my mother collapsed escaping the exorcist? Did he know my mother? I shouldn't ask straight up I gotta be sneaky about this. "Nice name, but I'm still gonna call you old fart." I responded playfully, as I get a hand to the head hitting me, as he scoffs, moving to lean against the tree, then finally standing, he looks into one of his pockets and pulls out a small flash light. Looks practically dead, and flickers a bit, as he picks me up by my torso, and throws me under his arm as if a sack of potatoes. He begins walking, his combat boots crunching on the ground as well on, stick, leafs, and what ever in his way as he fixes his glances a bit as if it would help his vision in the pitch darkness, Amaimon informed me that humans don't have very good sight in the dark, and our sight is much better compared to theres, Amaimon usually comes to me whenever he finds out something interesting that I don't know yet, acting as if he didn't just learn of it a few days ago. As the human leads me out of the woods and more towards the open road he walks back to a white vehicle, is this what Astoroth and Lucifer told me when not to follow random creatures and especially not to go into white vans, I'm not sure what a van looks like but I do know it's a vehicle, eh- nah, like this old guy could hurt me.

A few moments later..

This old man can definitely hurt me, he keeps spraying me with those little cheap green squirt sprays whenever I get 'too loud' or call him 'old fart' and whatever water that comes from it stings! So, as any demon of my extremely high rank, royalty, intelligence, power and good looks do.. I sit in the corner of the van in a pout and be as annoying as possible knowing that his spray wouldn't get me here as I let out a evil snicker causing him to glance back at me, "why are you making that face, Rin? You look ugly." He asks, playfully and jokingly is faint in his tone, as I stare, surprised. "Am not!" I say loudly, I would say yell but that wouldn't be the right word, he simply snickers. The car arrives at a large building as the sign in the front reads something unsure what it says, out of all the preparations rather and Lucifer made they still forgot to teach me how to read the human language, me knowing full well and still not reminding them to teach me because I don't like studying makes me regret not studying the second time tonight. As the car soon stops, and shiro gets out before opening the back doors and pulling me out, he grabs me rudely by the back of my shirt, glances around before stuffing me into his trench coat.
The old fart seems to be failing at sneaking around, as we walk in the building, entering a hall, it's pretty fancy and much lighter than fathers castle. It reminds me more of Engyn's, his palace is always much lighter colored and more lit up than fathers, fathers castle is much more dark and gloomy, similar to Amaimons.
As the old man sneaks down the halls I peak out through the trench coat, taking in the sights. The tile floors and combat boots aren't making it necessarily the quietest, as we make it to two large doors, opening them we enter the office, imminently I smell  a faint yet chillingly familiar cent, I've only smelled it once but I remember it to this day, Mephisto. Also known as the god of time and the traitor to all of demon kind. Known for selling out top secret royal information to the Grigori, as well as tricking the other demon kings and father. As the lights click on, and the chair behind the desk that was originally looking away from the door, turns around slowly to reveal the demon, he looks like a clown. With a white and pink top hat, and a white and purple tuxedo. "Ah welcome, Mr. fujimoto~" the demon says with a devilish grin, as he seemingly studies the old man before his eyes fall on the trench coat. "Oh?~ what do we have here? A gift?" The clown asks grin widening. "I'm not sure what is it, seems like quiet the high level demon and he seemed to heal me when I was on the mission." The old man says, before grabbing me out of his trench coat and plopping me down as if I was a plushie down onto the desk, as I can feel eyes on me burning into me, I stare up to meet those eyes, the clowns smile seems to only widen. "My my, what are you doing here, youngest brother of mine?~" he  ask teasingly. I growl a bit, looking away as I sit up and cross my arms, "none of your business." I say, as he chuckles, "must you be so rude to me, Rin?" He asks. As the old man seems to butt into our conversations right before I was about to respond, "pardon, little brother???" He asks, as Samuel grins, "yes, you are aware all of the demons kings are kin to satan, meaning, this little brat here, is the youngest of my siblings." Samual answers.

♥Ah what a perfect area to call it a day! 1784 words! ♥
I hope you enjoyed this chapter! ^^

𝙻𝚒𝚝𝚝𝚕𝚎 𝚜𝚙𝚊𝚠𝚗 𝚘𝚏 𝚜𝚊𝚝𝚊𝚗Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon