chapter 22

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I'm the most unluckiest person in this universe. I did everything to separate Hayal and Ahmad but it didn't work. As long as Hayal is breathing Ahmad will never leave her. I don't even care about that now. These guys are threatening to expose me if I don't pay them. Where the hell will I get the money from. Why should I even pay them since the work didn't have any effect? Hayal and Ahmad are still together. I'm so glad that her family don't allow her to go out. At least she won't have moments with him. I'm very much sure I see Ahmad more than she does.

I called the guys like 5 times now and they are not picking. The guy finally answered.

"Why the hell are you not picking my calls?" I shouted.

"Because you won't pay us. We don't have time to waste. Get ready for the consequences. Next time you won't delay payment."

"What the hell does that mean? I will pay you once I get the money " I didn't even finish talking and he hang off.

"Too late for that. " He text and blocked me.

Something is definitely going on. He probably told hayal everything. I start panicking and roaming about. I called hayal like 6 times and she didn't pick. I decide to go over and make sure.

"Where are you going?" Mom asked.

"To Hayal's" I said putting my shoes.

"You look worried Leyla, is there something wrong?"

"Let's not talk about that  now "

Someone knock on the door and mom open it.

"You're about to go over and she is here already."

Hayal came with Ahmad and they greeted mom.

"Where is Leyla?" She ask aggressively.

"She is here. What going on daughter?" Mom ask her.

She didn't respond. She walk in aggressively. She stand infront of me. Tears start rolling from her eyes.

"Hayal...." I didn't get to continue when she gave me a dirty slap.

"What is going on?" I asked and another slap landed on my face.

"Hayal whhat is going on?" Mom said holding hayal's hand.

"Please stay away from this. Your daughter will explain everything to us. She will explain why she did everything to me" she said crying.

I'm already so nervous and I know I'm done. I know it's over for me because she find out everything.

I move close to her courageously.

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"About how you humiliated me. How you posted my picture on the net."

"Is this what you're accusing me of? I did nothing to you hayal. I swear I did nothing!" I started crying.

Hayal started laughing. "Ahmad look. She said she did nothing" she brought her phone and Show all the evidence.

"Kids can you explain what's going on?" Mom asked again.

Hayal handed the phone to my mom. " Ahmad explain all the pics to her" i ask her and he told my mom everything.

The day has finally arrived. I take the mug besides me and smash it.

"Enough!" I screamed.
" What If I did everything you said hayal. What will happen? Are you going to beat me?" I move closer looking into her eyes.

"Leyla? I don't recognize you anymore. I don't think you're the same person I know"

"Yes I'm hayal. I'm the same person. You lied to yourself all these years. I did everything okay. I don't regret a single thing I every did. You deserve every pain and tears...." I didn't finish speaking when mom's slap landed on my face.

"God damn you Leyla." She said.

I started laughing
" Surprise mom. You don't know your daughter. Well let me confess something to you guys. When my little brother had an attack I was there. I watch him take his last breath. I didn't help simply because I don't want him here anymore. I hate how you love him more than me mom. I hate how you stop loving me since you had him."

I couldn't complete what I was saying when mom slap me again.

"How could you do that Leyla? How!?"

"What ever I have done, I did it for love. I simply hate how ever everyone else got chosen before me. Everyone is lucky but not me. I got very jealous"

Hayal move closer to me with the tears in her eyes.

"From the first day I met you Leyla, I loved you. I don't even remember the first day we met but I know I loved you so much. I love you like a sister. I protect you. Is this what I get in return? What did I do to deserve this?"

"Hayal you deserve every single pain. You did everything to deserve it. You're always above me. Everyone chose you before me and I hate it. I couldn't take it this time around. I love Ahmad since before we start epic college. He is the main reason I went to that school. I watch you too get closer day by day. You killed me slowly. They said love make us crazy. I love Ahmad so much to the point that I can do anything for him. I tried not to hurt you but your force me. I love Ahmad before you hayal" I move close to Ahmad looking directly into his eyes. He is already so disappointed.

"Ahmad I swear to God I did everything for you. I did everything just to be with you. I love you so much Ahmad. I love you before Hayal".

He cut me off before I even complete.
"Shut up Leyla, shut up. You ruin your best friends life because of your selfishness. And guess what miss Leyla? I will never love you, never"

He move close to hayal

"Look she is the one I love. I will love hayal forever and ever."

"Please don't do this to me please " I said crying and pleading.
Hayal move closer to me.

"I hate you so much Leyla. I hate you more than everything " she said and walk away.

"Ahmad please don't leave me like everyone did" I followed him.

"Everyone left you because you deserve to be alone. You're a monster. One more thing Leyla. I hate you for everything you did to Hayal. Never ever try to reach out to any of us. We all hate you!"


Show your love please ❤️

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