chapter 20

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My head hurts so bad. I got up feeling very strange. Like I was dreaming. It feels like something very bad happen.

"Where is my phone even?"

I find myself in a random room in the place we did our party. My shoes and bag are on the floor. I'm on the bad and my phone is on the other side. I pick up my phone and check the time.
" Damnit! It's late already"

I quickly grab my stuff and head out. Almost everyone left. The scariest part of this, is that I can't remember anything. The last thing I can remember is that two guys drag me. They said they want to tell me something important. I tried to scream but the other close my mouth. They said I have to listen to them because the thing is a threat to my life.

I head out and see a guy and girl talking. I recognize the guy from our school.
"Do you guys see Ahmad please?"

"No. I he left since" the guy answered.

"Okay thank you".

I reached home and gladly my dad isn't home yet. I told them I stayed at Leyla's house. Luckily they didn't say anything.


I wake up with a headache. So many missed calls from Ahmad and leyla. I thought maybe it's because I didn't reach out to any of them since yesterday.

I decided to check on Instagram before calling either of them. I know once I call them, then we will talk for hours and hours. The absolute worse thing I have ever did in my life. I wish I never open that app.

"Hell no" I toast away the phone then pick it up again.

I saw my pictures on the school page. Not the school page actually, the school hate page. I don't know why I follow that page either but I did because everyone does.

"Innalillahi wa inna ilaihi rajiun" those are the only words I could utter.

Pictures of me undressed. Nasty pictures of me.

The Caption goes " the princess turn out to be a hoe. It turned out the most innocent person among us is not. As you can see friends, our girl goes around to sleep with different men. Disgusting"

All the comments are about how they thought I was innocent but Turn out I'm not.

My head start spinning. The tears are not even coming out.

I pick Ahmad's call real quick.

"Hayal are you okay? Have you seen?" He said and I cut him off.

"Ahmad I am begging you to get those pictures remove. Do anything, find the person behind it. They will kill me at home"

I called off to call Leyla back. She burst into tears and Keep crying with her.  I couldn't utter a single word. We cried together.


I cried until my eyes turn red. My brother walk in screaming my name. From the way he call me I know he have seen it. I know my Time is up. They will kill me.

I get up and lock my room. My body is shaking so bad. My heart is pounding so fast.

"You nasty idiot! Open the door!" He screamed.

Before I know it, Ali broke the door. He hold my hair and drag me to the living room. He push to me to floor and I hit my head so bad. My mouth start bleeding.

My mom ask what is going on and my dad head in at that very moment. The end of hayal has come indeed.

Both my dad and brother beat the hell out of me. None of them ask of an explanation. The beating become unbearable. I suddenly couldn't hear or see anything. My world shutdown.


I wake up to my body hurting so bad. Every single cell of my body is hurting. My heart ache the most. The fact the my family didn't ask for explanation hurt the most. On the other hand my life is ruin completely. I'm even disappointed that I wake up. I am sure the grave will be better than living in this house from now on.


My father take away my phone from me. Nobody is talking to me in this house. How many weeks has passed? No one say anything when I greet them. I only eat food, go back to my room and cry. It has been my routine since the event happen.

"Hayal!" My dad call and my heart skipped. I walk nervously.

"Come here!" He screamed.

I move forward and sat down.

"You have humiliated your family hayal. I wish I never sent you to that school. You have ruin us stupid girl."

"Is not what you think... " I tired to explain but he didn't let me.

"Take" he gave me my phone.

"Thank you " I said.

"What are you thanking for?  Let me tell you something. You're not going to university. You have already humiliate us enough. There is no university for you. You will get married soon Hayal. I will marry you off".


Can't believe her own best did that to her!

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