Stealth Mission

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Y/N started walking towards his home with a thoughtful mindset. He wondered what the fire nation did to his house, and most importantly.. his parents. He didn't even know how they're doing right now. He really hoped that they weren't dead. That would be bad..
After walking for some time he finally arrived at his home, where it was completely unharmed and still as beautiful as ever. He saw some fire nation soldiers standing outside the house's front door.

Y/N: Oh Spirits, they're standing right outside the door. I better think of a clever way if I want to get in.

He sighed heavily, trying to think of any other way out of this situation. It couldn't be that easy!
Suddenly an idea popped into his head. If there's anyone who can survive a fight against the fire nation, it'll be him. He decided to think of a better way to approach his idea without having to retort to violence.

Y/N: It's risky. but it'll do the job.

He said as he went to the soldiers infront of his house front door while wearing his fake accessories. One of the guard noticed Y/N and quickly got into a bending position as a threat.

Soldier: State your business here or leave.

Y/N stopped walking and stopped to look at the fire bending and then began speaking.

Y/N: Hello brave solider. I'm Mr. Chekindahous and I'm here to inspect this beautiful work of art behind you.

Soldier: Sorry, but I can't let you go through.

Y/N: Oh really? What'll your wife say when she finds out that you never allow humble people like us to do our jobs?

The Soldier was thinking about what he said and he nodded to him. He opened the door and gestured towards Y/N to go inside.

Soldier: Make it quick.

Y/N without any hesitation walked inside the house and closed the door behind. He was happy to be in his house again but his happiness was soon started to vanish once he saw some signs of bloods on the ground and burning marks on the walls. Y/N gritted his teeth in anger as he cursed the fire nation for what they did to his home and his parents.

Y/N: There is no time to be angry. I have to find it fast.

He said as he went upstairs towards his parents room hoping to find the missing item he is looking for. He finally managed the item, it was a scroll filled with moves for earthbending. He quickly took it and was about to head out until he noticed his dad's spear. He didn't want to leave the spear behind as it belonged to his father that was taken away by the fire nation.

Y/N deciding not to stay here any longer went towards the backdoor and silently escape. When he opened the door he saw how 5 fire benders were outside waiting for him with their fire bending stance ready to shoot at any command.

Soldier: Where do you think you're going Mr. Chekindahous? Or should I say... Y/N the earthbender!

Y/N was silent as he was scared and confused on how the guard figured that out.

Soldier: Well, if you're wondering how I figured out your plan I just pronounced your name until I understood what it meant!

Y/N was shocked seeing how his trick didn't manage to go by the soldier and assumed a bending stance.

Soldier: And also. I don't have a wife!

The Soldier said as he and the other soldiers shot fireballs at Y/N.

Y/N dodged everything but the fire balls hitting the wall next to his head. He was starting to get nervous and was wondering whether he could make it through the rest of this day alive. He closed the door infront of them and decided to escape through the main door. After taking another step he heard more footsteps coming from inside the house so he immediately ran back to his bedroom and hid underneath his bed. His heart was beating hard in fear and hope. They entered his bedroom and started looking everywhere but somehow didn't get the idea of looking under the bed which made Y/N relieved.

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