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Ya so I am not dead. Surprise!!!!! I am back and I will finish this story even if it kills me. I did actually change my mind abt having it as one big thing though and I am planning on making into three books. Hope you enjoy!!!!
Everything was numb. White noise kept sounding in my ears.
I think there was clapping behind me. I didn't turn around to check.
There was so much smoke raising out from the trees.
Someone grabbed my shoulder and pushing me into the car. I could still see it though. The image was burned into my mind.
Hatch's mouth was moving. I couldn't hear what he was saying over the buzzing.
I dimly registered tears running down my face
Hatch frowned and said something else I couldn't hear. I felt something prick my neck before everything turned dark.

Through out the years I have seen many plane crashes and I caused... well all of them if I am telling the truth. Even so not one of those crashes was like that first one. Because that is the first time I truly became a murderer.
I woke up sometime later staring at the ceiling of my room. I didn't move. I couldn't even think. Everything was just numb.
A week had passed since the... incident when Dr. Hatch came in. I hadn't done much since then. Showered a couple times, changed twice, but mostly I just sat in bed and stared at the wall blankly.

Hatch walked into my line of sight and scowled with his arms crossed.

"For goodness sakes!" He exclaimed. "Will you stop moping around."

I didn't respond. I just shifted my gaze down to my hands.

I heard him huff angrily as he began walking toward me. I didn't look up.

He then grabbed my jaw in a bruising grip forcing my head up. For a long moment he didn't say just stared into my now slightly panicky eyes. Then his eyes narrowed and his grip tightened.

He threw me off the bed and said, "Take a shower and get changed, after that the guards will escort you to my office. You have 15 minutes."

With those last words he walked out leaving me kneeling on the floor rubbing my jaw. After a few seconds I shakily got up and started to do what I was told.

After 11 minutes my hair was wet and I was wearing a clean pair of sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I walked slowly to the door and took a deep breath before opening it. Outside there was one guard on either side of the door.

The one on the right glanced at me and then rolled his eyes. "It's about time kid, now come on."

I stared at him for a moment before I nodded and they led the way to Hatch's office. As I walked I felt a growing sense of fear in my stomach.

When we got to the office there was a receptionist sitting behind a desk that was too the right of a door. She was tall, middle age, and her face looked like she ate something sour.

"I'll inform Doctor Hatch that he has arrived," she said without even looking at me. I just stared down at my shoes and tried to become invisible. That did not work apparently because 30 seconds later the guards were pushing me toward the door.

As we walked in Hatch was sitting at a large desk doing paperwork. He didn't even look up. The guards just stayed in ready positions a step behind me, unfazed at being ignored. For a couple minutes I just stared at my shoes before my curiosity got the better of me and I started to glance around the room.
The walls were filled with achievements and other pictures. I had to resist the urge to take a closer look.

Tanner's Story: The BeforeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя