The Beginning

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"5 more minutes pleaseeeeeeeee," I whined.

"No and I mean it Tan," my mom scolded.

"But Marcus gets to stay up late!!!!!"

"Your brother is 5 years older, now I don't want to hear another peep out of you until morning!"

"Sorry little brother, I just got privileges," Marcus taunted.

I grumbled a bit before sulking back to my room. As I look back on that night my problems seem so trivial compared to now.

The next morning

I woke to my younger brother Thomas jumping on my bed singing a stupid song about waking up and waffles.

"Go away Tom, it's barely even 7:00," I shouted angrily(Even though it was really past 8)

"Mommy say you get up now," Thomas said in his five year old grammar!

I got up and pushed him crying out of my room while he yelled for mom

Once he was gone, I said something I wish I could take back,

"Little brothers are so annoying," I complained! I had no idea how much I would have longed for annoying little brothers and early bedtimes.

After I changed and walked into the dining room and saw I was the last one. I sat down next to my dad after I grabbed a plate of waffles.

"We are going on a walk today," my dad told me.

"Where," I inquired?

This time is was Thomas who answered,

"It's a secret," he proclaimed proudly, "mommy and daddy won't tell us."

"You mean that you forgot," Marcus said dryly. "We are going to the airport for the mass takeoff of some military demonstration." Thomas stuck his tongue out at him.

I grinned, "What kind of demonstration?"

Mom joined in,"There will be about 50 jets taking off at practically the same time, it'll be quite the experience!" For some reason when she said that I got a tingle deep within my chest. Why I would soon find out.

"I don't see the appeal of watching jets takeoff," dad put in.

Mom just smiled, "and you won't until you see it," she answered.

"I guess I better get ready, I'm probably not wearing proper clothes to go walking in," I said standing up.

"Your probably right, we are leaving in an hour so get ready quick," said mom.

As I walked back to my room I got this strange headache. I never had any idea on what was coming. I changed out of my sweats and into my sport's clothes. Afterwards, I brushed my teeth and hair, took some Advil for my headache(though it didn't help) and made my bed. After all that I still had to put some clothes away so I quickly finished that with 20 min to spare. So I grabbed my iPad and lay back on my bed to watch some Minecraft videos. After one vid I heard my mom calling and ran downstairs. When I got there we were only waiting on Thomas who seemed to take forever. Finally he galloped down the stairs laughing.

"Let's go let's go let's go," he cried!!

So with that I looked back at my house for which I would find out later would be the last time.

Tanner's Story: The BeforeHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin