Chapter 11 - Elaine / Aaran

Start from the beginning

The car sputters. "Are you sure that's safe?" He asks. She pulls off and slowly drives the car off of the road onto the shoulder. There is a loud thunk and the car completely dies out. Elaine takes a deep breath and rests her head on the steering wheel. There's a clank on the outside of her window. Aaran had a full uncracked bottle of vodka in his hand, pushing it against the glass. "You need a ride?' He asks. Elaine turns her head over and peers at him through the window.

"Aww hell." She says getting out and snatching the vodka out of his hand.

Aaran runs over to his truck and opens her car door, helping her into the passenger's seat before walking over to his side and getting in. "Buckle up." He says. She side eyes him and tugs the belt over her chest. Aaran laughs to himself before pulling off. "As the seconds pass your attitude gets nastier." He says. "As the seconds pass you get more annoying. It's just hitting me that you're obviously an idiot. I've crashed into an idiot." She says. "An idiot eh?" He asks. "Yes."

"How so?" Aaran asks.

"For starters you were in the wrong. You are supposed to yield at that light before turning. I had the right of way. I tried to just pay you off but you wouldn't accept. What person in their right mind doesn't take money that's handed to them? Then to put the cherry on top you let a stranger into your car and offer them liquor." Elaine rants. "Well I think I'm pretty smart.... wanna know why?" He asks. "Say something corny and I'm tucking and rolling out of this vehicle." Elaine says. "I got to meet you." He says. Elaine unbuckles her seatbelt and reaches for the door.

Of course Aaran stopped her before she could open it fully.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" He says. "I warned you." Elaine reminds. "I know! I just have a habit of saying what's on my mind ya'know?" Aaran says. Elaine sighs and sinks into her seat. "Whatever you say.. Mr. Aaran." She huffs. "Mr Aaran is my father. Please, please call me Aaran." He says sarcastically. "Oh har har har! Mister comedian are ya?" Elaine questions. "N-No? I just said its Aaran." He says. Elaine chokes down on her laugh. "You really are an idiot."


Aaran was born, he isn't sure where, or by whom. But he was born. From the day he could remember he was running. All Aaran did was run. He ran away from his first few foster homes. He ran from the police that would catch him stealing food. He ran from scary animals that would bully him at night. He ran from weird men in the street catcalling him like some prostitute. He ran a lot. Maybe that's why his legs were so long.

Aaran stood at a whopping 6 feet when he was a freshman in highschool. He still only continued to grow.

Aaran never knew his parents, or his grandparents. He didn't care to know. They were sick fucks is what he did know. They left him clueless and blinded of the monster that dwelled inside of him. Since he found out of his 'ability' he hated being made. He wouldn't kill himself though. He was too pussy, and he didn't have anyone to leave his shit with. Everything he worked for up until now would be worthless. He was worthless so did it even matter? He wondered.

Back to the running.

For awhile he was running from himself, but it didn't take long for him to realize they were real. Those little monsters he had convinced himself were just fucking schizophrenia. But it wasn't. They could touch him, and call out to him. They would sit on his shoulders and weigh down his back. Some would jump on his stomach, giving him belly aches and migraines. He noticed the more he hated them, the more they came.

It was as if they fed off of his negativity.

But on that fateful day when he crossed paths with Elaine. They all disappeared. Truthfully he was in the wrong. One of the curses were in his line of vision as she passed. But as he made his way to her car, it disappeared. They all did. They all just, vanished. The feeling was so amazing he knew he would need to stay by her side forever. He wanted to stay like this forever and always.


"Where are we?" Elaine asks. "A park." Aaran says. He walks over and opens her door, leading her out of the car and to a bench that looked out to a small pond surrounded by a grassy field. They both sat and Aaran cracked the bottle, taking a deep swig before passing it to Elaine. Her face scrunched as she downed a gulp. Aaran laughed at her face. "It's liquor." He says. "I can tell." Elaine huffs, clearing her throat and taking a deep breath. She took another before passing the bottle.

"You know I don't do this often." She says. "What, drink in public with strange men?" Aaran asks. "Yeah.. that." She says, slightly embarrassed. "It's fine. I can't remember the last time I was out with a woman." Aaran says. He catches himself. "I mean I get out... I mean not like that. God." He downs another sip of the alcohol and sighs. Elaine takes it and laughs.

"Where you from?" Elaine asks.

"This country, I'm pretty sure. I bounced around a lot as a kid." He says. "Mm, I'm from here too. I stayed here my whole life. I only really leave for work." She says. "Where do you work.. well, what do you do?" Aaran asks. "I'm the COO of Gro-Marx." She says. "Oh damn. Yall hiring?" He asks. Elaine laughs again, her laughter growing in octaves.

"Your smile is beautiful, you know." He says. Elaine's mouth shuts and she looks over at Aaran. She hands the bottle over. "Thank you." She says. Aaran feels his heart flutter. "Thank you so much," she says

Elane stands up and brushes off the dust from her pants. "I gotta get back though." She says pulling out her phone. "Oh?" Aaran asks. "You don't need to drive me or anything, I'm just gonna call an uber." She says. "No, I don't have anything to do. Think of me as your personal chauffeur until you can get a new car." Aaran says. "Hmm?" Elaine coos. "Alright." She adds.

Aaran begins walking her back to his truck. He was happy she decided to rely on him.

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