"I found him. I found the doctor." Olive's voice echoed in her ears. Robyn pulled her hand out of Claire's before getting up on her feet. Jack immediately walked over to Claire, gently brushing his shoulder against hers.

"I se-" Robyn's eyes instantly fell on the person who was behind Jack. Her mind couldn't comprehend why he was here. "Nice glasses, Potter."

"Who?" Sawyer questioned.

"Oh," A warm flush rushes through her body, traveling up to her cheeks as she looked away knowing how stupid she sounded. "You don't know who Harry Potter is?"

"Are you comparing me to a dorky wizard, sweetheart?" Sawyer asked. Robyn couldn't help, but, to look down at her feet.

"He isn't that dorky, but, yes." Her hands were feeling a bit clammy as her heart started to beat faster. Robyn was convinced that it was hearable for everyone around her. She couldn't place her finger on why she was feeling this way out of a sudden. "What are you doing here?"

"Seeing a baby get born," Sawyer says. "How are you doing?"

"Me?" Robyn rubbed with her hand the back of her neck. Her eyes couldn't focus on one spot as she keeps pulling at the top of her shirt.

"It must be pretty scary to deliver a baby." Sawyer's eyes were fixated on Robyn who couldn't seem to concentrate on their conversation. Her breathing started to get louder by the second.

"Kinda," Robyn waved both of her hands in front of her face. "I need to go." She stormed off.

Sawyer followed her into the jungle. He didn't shout her name or demand her to stop running. Robyn infinitely would because no one could run forever. Once she felt safe enough she stopped and huddled over and leaned against a tree. Her breathing was out of control as she stopped. Robyn kneeled to the ground down the ground. Hot flushes raked her body up and down. She couldn't control herself anymore. Her body was shaking to the core.

"Hey, look at me," Sawyer kneeled in front of her and placed his hands on her cheeks. "Breathe with me, okay." Sawyer pulled his nose up to breathe in and opened his mouth to breathe out. Robyn followed his instructions and quickly after a few deep breaths her heart rate came down.

"That's good." Sawyer moved his hands from her cheeks to her shoulders, keeping her seated against the tree.

"I-" Robyn blinked a few times as she straightened her back, to sit a bit more comfortable. "I don't feel so good."

"I think you had a panic attack." Sawyer says calmly not wanting to upset her. "Do I need to get Jack for you?"

"No." Robyn didn't want Jack to see her like this. If he heard about the panic attack he would put her on some pills.

Sawyer nodded and reached his hands out to help her get up on her feet. Robyn gladly took his hands in hers and pulled herself up. "Are you okay to walk?" Sawyer didn't dare to let her go just yet, afraid that she might fall.

"I think so." Robyn took a few steps forward while still holding into Sawyer for support. "Thank you." Her eyes travel up to Sawyer's.

"You're welcome." He smiled, something Robyn hasn't seen Sawyer do often. It made her insides melt knowing that he cared. "Was this your first panic attack?"

"Not really." Robyn sighed deeply. As they reached the beach they for some reason kept walking toward the tent where Sawyer was staying at.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked. Did she want to? If she did Robyn needed to tell him about the car crash too. Something she didn't think she would ever tell Sawyer about.

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