💋Operation Affection(Chapter 3)💋

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Logan sat in his room just waiting for a text or call from his friends. He could only think about what they might do. He looked everywhere in his room other than where his phone sat, until he heard a vibration. His eyes flicked to the phone sitting on the floor. He hesitantly grabbed it and took a look at the messages.


ZaneCaneLaneDang: Yo Yo! I'm actually taking the bus today lmao

Des: Cool

Des: Me and Bells were gonna see if we could find Logan's crush on insta or something but we don't have his name

BellaWella: Yeahhhhhh

nagoL: The problem is I don't know his name myself..

0.Jay.Kay.0: What does he look like?

Matt: Who?

nagoL: I couldn't exactly see him because of the horrible lighting but he has black hair. He's just a little bit taller than me and I think his eyes were blue?

0.Jay.Kay.0: Oh

0.Jay.Kay.0: I know who your talking about and I would tell you his name

0.Jay.Kay.0: But where's the fun in that?

Matt: wait FR Logan has a crush!?

nagoL: I'll give you money

nagoL: Or a new vape/vape juice

0.Jay.Kay.0: Tempting but idk

0.Jay.Kay.0: How about you tell me some.. Information

nagoL: So you want blackmail?

nagoL: I got it all. I'll provide you black mail on whoever you want for the rest of the year.

0.Jay.Kay.0: Deal

0.Jay.Kay.0: His name's Noah

0.Jay.Kay.0: He's friend's with Me, Matthew, and EJ Bower


Matt: LOL

Des: Shut up you how

Des: how

Des: Hoe

Matt: Why should I?

Matt: You can't even spell lovw<3

BellaWella: LMAO

Matt: Fuck you

ZaneCaneLaneDang: I think your crush is on my bus

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