❤Crazy Nights(Chapter 2)❤

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The door flung open, the handle hit the wall with a loud Thump. Noah sat up quicker than a cheetah running. "You're gonna be late if you don't hurry up." His mother turned around. "I got you some coffee down stairs." Noah stood up and within minutes he was in a dark gray hoodie, black and white basketball shorts, and his black converse shoes. He remembered to grab his phone this time as he walked down the stairs he heard his mother yell. "I have something to tell you! So you better hurry up." She turned around and jumped. Not expecting Noah to be right there. "Oh, well sweetie. Me and your father might get back together. We realized we were both in the wrong and want to try again. Is that okay with you?" She softly put the coffee on the counter in front of Noah.

A small smile formed on his face. "Of course mom. You guys can try again, but if you fight don't push me into it." He grabbed the coffee before adjusting his bag on his shoulders. "I love you!" Noah turned around and ran out the door.

Just before the door shut he heard a "I love you too!" He giggled as he kept running to his bus stop. When he finally made it there he saw EJ and stopped right beside them.

He was breathing heavily just like yesterday. "I thought you died." Ej laughed. "It's later than what it was yesterday." Noah stood up straight. He pulled his left hand up and flipped them off.

They did a fake dramatic gasp before giggling. "I hate you. Fall off a bridge." Noah rolled his eyes and leaned on his right hip. He made sure to act sassy. He stopped and stood up straight when the bus started getting closer. Out of the people at his stop he was the first on the bus. He walked to the back and sat by Jay. "Sup." He turned his head towards me and nodded. "I have a question." Noah managed to get out before Jay could turn his head back around. He responded with a 'hm'. "How can you drive a golf cart, but not bring your phone to school?" Jay's mouth opened like he was gonna speak, but it shut right away.

His face turned confused. "I don't even know myself." Music started playing out of nowhere. Noah and Jay's heads swung to look at Ej who had their phone out.

They smirked and closed their eyes. "What? I thought we could vibe." Noah laughed at Ej. Just Dance by Lady Gaga started to play and Jay gasped. "Yeah!" Noah started singing and soon so were the other two.

Ej, Noah, Jay, All.

"Red Wine!" They started dancing and laughing at their foolishness. "Gaga!" "I've had a little bit too much." Noah's right hand moved to his forehead. "All the people start to rush." "Start to rush by!" Jay leaned up against the bus window, trying not to get hit by the others flying hands. "A dizzy twister dance, can't find my drink or man." "Where are my keys? I lost my phone, phone." Ej chuckled listening to them all sing. "oh, oh, oh." "What's goin' on on the floor?" Noah put his hand to his chest. "I love this record, baby, but I can't see straight anymore." Noah leaned on Ej. "Woo!" "Keep it cool, what's the name of this club?" "I can't remember but it's alright, a-alright."




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