Chapter 1: Cat Outta Hell

Start from the beginning

Y/N: How the hell can you live here? It feels like I'm about to get shot just by existing here.

David: It's Night City, thought you'd be used to that by now. Maybe you wouldn't if you didn't stand out so damn much. What's with the suit? Seems like an invitation around here saying "Hey I'm with the Corpos up top come rob me."

Y/N: My clothing is mostly just rich fancy suits, blame my mother. This one is different, I have a suit for every kind of trip I take, this one is the one I take when I go to see you. It's bullet proof, so no worries about getting shot to death as long as I just run and they miss my head.

David: Man you really are paranoid. Thought the most you'd worry about is not having enough eddies to wipe your ass.

Y/N: Well respectfully, fuck you choom.

  The both of us share a laugh as we get on the train to Arasaka Academy.

David: So you graduate early? How'd you manage that?

Y/N: Aced all tests, took some extra tests, my mother made a few calls, and I found out I apparently got an IQ that'll put some scientists to shame or something around the description. Apparently have a way to make it high up in Arasaka. But you know what they say, it's lonely at the top.

David: Is that so. Well then you sound like your life is pretty nova then.

Y/N: Yours could be too. I mean think about it, we're both smart, my just a bit more so than you. But what if we used our heads and made our own path in life. Outside of Arasaka, outside of Night City.

David: There you go with your philosophy of reaching beyond the city. You know it ain't gonna happen. You've been preaching the same song and dance for years. You were basically born to be a suit, and me, well I don't know. All I know is I don't fit in at that shithole Academy with those ass hole rich kids.

Y/N: Well who decided that? Maybe I wanna be a legend, like Silverhand, or maybe even that new one.

David: New one? You mean the jack-ass on the motorcycle who seems to hunt anyone that isn't Arasaka? 

Y/N: Yeah that one. Hell Cat is what they call him. He's so cool, I mean he's basically a vigilante, and he doesn't go after everyone who isn't Arasaka. He fucks up anyone who put's innocents in danger, even selling intel that could get into areas Arasaka can't reach.

David: You seem to know a lot about him? You president of his fan club?

Y/N: Firstly, Fuck you, respectfully. Second, no. I just keep my eyes and ears open to the world around me. Maybe I wanna be a Merc, A vigilante, a fixer, hell, even a business man if I was bored enough, but I want it to be my choice, my own will.

  I tried to hide the fact that I felt myself choking on my words. I really did love this idiot like a brother, but I just couldn't express it. All these feelings were unbecoming of me, but whatever.

  Our talk lead us off of the train and finally made our way back to my old stomping ground. It was odd, being the same age as David, yet I felt like an adult taking his kid to school. But I genuinely cared about David and Gloria both. They were like your home away from home in a way.

David: Well here's my stop. You got anything else you wanted to say?

Y/N: . . . Just think about what I said. We could really make a difference you and I. At the end of the day David, you decide what you wanna do Later choom. Also, that back alley tech you got is gonna fry the schools systems.

David: Huh, how did you-

Y/N: Scanners. Scanned it on the way here, and that thing won't integrate well with the school's system. Gonna corrupt the data and hardware, estimate it'll cost quite a bit. If money is an issue, I can send some eddies your way, along with your strangely sweet mother. Besides, you're like the brother I never had. If you fail in life, I fail too. Just want you to succeed and ride all the way to the top with me. Whether it me at the top of Arasaka, or the top of anywhere. Just think about it choom.

  I walk back to my apartment going over some blueprints in logs and database of some tech I've been wanting to lay my hands on, maybe even make my own tech. Was thinkin about testing some new hardware I got a few days ago. Waiting for my arms to heal before I actively used them, but maybe a night ride out was all I needed.

  Which reminds me, I've got work to do. I got some info on some mess that needs cleaning, and it gives me the perfect excuse. 

    This was a quiet project I've been working on, going to my own personal garage, that thankfully my mother isn't aware of, and getting out my precious baby. 

Y/N: Finally, I get to have fun with my favorite baby in all of Night City.

  I hear a meow as a familiar black cat struts it's way across my work-bench.

Y/N: You're my favorite too Shade.

Shade: Meow.

Y/N: Don't guilt trip me! Anyway, daddy's going out now. Keep the fort secure while I'm out and watch over Ghost, if you two fight like last time then no more treats for a whole week.

  I run my hand along his back as he arches his back at the petting. But now I was ready to take out the only thing I lived just as much as my cat's, my mother, Gloria and David. My Nightrider.

Y/N: Hey baby, how are you doing? Systems and hardware all up to date, good on CHOOH2, good on oil, and good on air pressure

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Y/N: Hey baby, how are you doing? Systems and hardware all up to date, good on CHOOH2, good on oil, and good on air pressure. Let's go for a ride through the city baby. See if there's anyone we can dispose of together.

  Revving up the engine, hearing my Nightrider purr was amazing. All I need is my helmet and I'm all good. I admit I didn't like it at first, what with the braids at the end, but it was a gift from Gloria for my birthday, so it holds a special place in my heart. Even though I could have bought my own like I did my bike, she still found it in her heart to get me this gift. For that I cannot thank her enough.

  Making my way out for the night, taking in the sights of the city, it shouldn't be too hard to find out what exactly I was looking for on my way out

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  Making my way out for the night, taking in the sights of the city, it shouldn't be too hard to find out what exactly I was looking for on my way out. Let's take this monowire for a spin.

Y/N: Hell Cat's in business baby!

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