Chapter 50

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Kim placed her radio on the shelf and turned to Sean Roman "hot date tonight, Roman?"

"Yea, things are good with Jen and I" he told her, he was pleased that it was going so well "what about you and Ruzek, anything planned?"

"He's working, intelligence has a heater, pulling an all nighter"she told him, happy her parents came home earlier today, she hated being in that house with just little Adam. Even six months after Adam's kidnapping she still found herself worried that someone from the remaining DiMuccios would cause trouble for her family.

"Well, see you next shift Kim" Sean said as he left.

"Here's what we got, a warehouse downtown seems to be headquarters for some drug trafficking ring," Hank started as he hung the surveillance photos on the white board "they have military grade weapons, it's serious" while he loved his job, nights like this always made him nervous. He had to deliver awful news too many times, and he was hoping that he wouldn't have to at the end of this night. "Watch your partner's back, everyone goes home, got it?"

They suited up, and loaded each vehicle up and rolled out, Ruzek and Olinsky together as usual.

"You hear anything on the house yet?" Olinsky asked, he remembered when he and Meredith spent a year living with her parents, he was very sympathetic.

"We did, Kim texted me a few hours ago, it was accepted, realtor said we could close in less than 6 months" he said "can't come soon enough, Al"

As they pulled up the rendezvous point, they went over everything one more time, this time the DEA and ATF also in tow.

"Oh look, this must be big for all the suits to join us" Adam declared

The "suits" glaring at Ruzek, unappreciative of the joke.

"That's enough, Ruzek" Voight barked at him, the kid was good police but that mouth could get him in trouble.

"Sorry, boss" he replied his gaze cast downward.

"Oh where is grandma's sweet boy?" Elaine said as she played with Adam, throwing his blanket over his head and acting as if he was nowhere to be seen, only for Adam to pull the blanket off and giggle over Elaine's reaction, clapping his hands as if congratulating her on a job well done.

"Kim, you have to let me keep him overnight sometime once you are in the new house, I'm going to miss him so much"

"Mom, it's barely three blocks away, not across an ocean" Kim laughed.

"It just won't be the same without him, I love when he makes his way into the bedroom and wakes your father and I up."

"When's Adam due home?" James asked, hating when his son in law worked on serious cases.

"I'm not really sure, he's been pretty tight lipped about this one" she paused "I know, Adam and tight lipped don't usually go together but I think it's a big deal" she tried not to worry, but it was nearly impossible.

Elaine and James both laughed, they loved Adam, but they had noticed that he was in fact just a large child.

"Al, this place looks dead, are they sure it's going down tonight?" Adam's asked as he looked through the binoculars.

"That's the word on the street kid, I know you find it difficult but you have to be patient" Al said knowing it would take an act of God for Adam to show patience.

A few hours had passed, and after a tense discussion they decided to enter the warehouse, they had seen some movement and felt it was best to move in.

Unbeknownst to them, this was exactly what was planned for them, each door wired to explode once opened and many more explosives inside the warehouse. This would divert attention from the real location.

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