Chapter 18

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Ruzek flung the door open as he walked out of the 21.
"Easy on the door, Pretty boy, who pissed in your corn flakes this morning?" Sgt.Platt called out, though it fell on deaf ears as Ruzek made his way to the parking lot.

He was so angry he couldn't see straight, he wanted to punch something, more specifically Vito DiMuccio. He sat down in his car, resting his head on the steering wheel, a headache forming right behind his eye, he sat up and pinched the bridge of his nose hoping it would help. He put the car in drive and headed out, yes he told Voight he needed to talk to Kim but he couldn't not yet.
He drove without a destination for a good hour, the ringing of his cellphone grabbing his attention
"Ruzek" he answered his voice filled with rage.
"Adam, it's me, where are you Jay and Erin are looking for you, is something wrong?" Kim asked. When Jay and Erin showed up at their apartment she knew something wasn't right, but they wouldn't tell her anything, just that Adam needed to check in with one of them.
"I'm fine, darlin'" he lied "I will be home soon, love you" he quickly hung up the phone before she could say anything.
Suddenly, he realized he was outside Vito DiMuccio's apartment building the black van parked outside. The rage he felt intensified, it took all he had to not go inside and beat the son of a bitch.
"You better watch your back DiMuccio, I'm coming for you" he spoke, with that he headed home to talk to Kim.

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