The Sky Raiders: 42

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"That was quite the talk with Declan," Jace said. "Have you guys decided when you're ditching us?" There was an edge to his voice, that I definitely caught. Mira looked unsettled by the blunt question. I could tell she didn't want us to go. I wasn't exactly eager to leave either. But she had Jace and Twitch, while Dalton and Jenna had nobody.
Me and Cole shared an uncomfortable look. "We're with you guys at least until Carnag," Cole said. "Our best chance to help Jenna and Dalton is to weaken the High King. And that means helping Mira. Let's get her powers back. We'll figure out our next move after that."
"There's no guarantee we'll defeat Carnag," Mira warned.
"We know." I said. "But I don't think we'll have much chance trying to take a couple of slaves from the High King on our own."
"That's true," Mira said.
"Your father made the laws that allowed those people to come for us," Cole said. "He owns our friends according to those laws. Declan wants us to overthrow him. I like that idea."
"It's hard to imagine," Mira said. "He's clever and brutal. Still, this could be the first step in that direction. When my mother sent us away, she promised that one day we would return and inherit all we lost."
"First things first," Jace said. "Let's try to escape in one piece."
When we reached the edge of Declan's sanctuary, Liam appeared in the window and asked Mira to halt the autocoach. The vehicle came to an even stop, and we all climbed out. Ahead, the path disappeared into a mossy forest. I was surprised to see two other autocoaches behind us.
"What's with those?" I asked, nodding at the carriages.
"Declan had some extras on hand," Liam said. "He decided it might confuse your pursuers to send a pair of empty autocoaches in different directions. If you ever cross paths with one again, they will answer to Mira. Otherwise they'll loop through a long preset course."
"Smart," Twitch said, nodding in approval.
"He does have centuries of experience," Liam said. "I've sent Mango ahead. She will report back to you periodically, but especially if danger approaches."
"Any trick to these woods?" Jace asked.
"Not getting out," Liam said. "The autocoach will do the work. Don't let the easy exit fool you. If you try to backtrack to this place, with or without the autocoach, it'll just lead to frustration. You'd have a better chance braving the Cloudwall again."
"Once was plenty," Mira said.
"After you're through, you'll notice the trees get bigger," Liam said. "That's the Quiet Wood. Don't speak until the trees get small. You might hear some strange sounds. Say nothing. Not to one another, not to any creatures you see, not to yourselves. The semblances who prowl the Quiet Wood are attracted to speech from nonsemblances. Talk, and they will hunt you down."
"You tell us this now?" I exclaimed.
"Now is when you need to know it," Liam replied calmly. "Why do you think I came to see you off? For a second fare-well? In the direction you're heading, it'll take an hour or more to pass through the Quiet Wood. When the trees return to normal size, you're clear. You shouldn't have trouble if you keep silent. Most people stay well away for obvious reasons."
"What kind of semblances would attack?" lace asked.
"Imagine giant bears that hunt in packs, and you'll have the basic idea," Liam replied.
"Are you serious?" Cole cried. "What's with this place?"
Liam looked taken aback. "Sambria is the result of centuries of shapers tampering with the environment. Some in big ways, others in small ones. Certain big changes fade, and some of the minor ones have greater impact over time. It's hard to predict. The Quiet Wood is neither the strangest nor the most perilous region of Sambria. Bertram will guide you around the worst areas. He'll take you on safe roads to Middlebranch. If something gets in your way, he'll improvise. Won't you, Bertram?"
"Not bad weather for an outing," the old man remarked from the autocoach. "It's not every day I go for a ride with my young relatives."
"Not much personality," Liam whispered conspiratorially, "Declan tends to be more about function than ornamentation." He stopped whispering. "Bertram knows the geography.
One perk of Sambria is that over the years, shapers have laid down many roads and paths, even through wild and otherwise inaccessible country."
"Any other hazards we should know about?" Twitch asked.
"Mountains of them," Liam said. "But who knows which ones you'll encounter? We don't have the weeks it would take to list them all. You have handy renderings and your common sense. Use them well." He elevated upon his disk. "I can't emphasize enough, no talking in the Quiet Wood. Remember that, and your trek should start out fine. Forget it, and you won't get a second chance."
"Thanks for everything," Mira said earnestly. "We came here expecting to die. We leave with a fighting chance."
"Good luck on your journey," Liam said, raising a hand in farewell. "Remember, if you get into horrible trouble and desperately need me, I'll be much too busy with my own problems!"
With that he sped off.
The five of us looked at one another. Me, Jace and Cole burst out laughing.
"It may not be funny before long," Twitch mumbled.
Jace rubbed away his smile. "We might get into trouble, but it'll still be funny."
I nodded, biting my lip to stop my smile.
"We should go," Mira said, climbing back into the autocoach. "Think you three can keep your lips sealed?"
"We'll see," Cole said. "Sometimes when it's really quiet, like during a test, or in the library, I get this urge to shout something just to break the silence and surprise everyone."
Mira assumed a patient expression. "Um, Cole, you're going to have to control that urge."
"I've never given in and shouted," Cole assured her. "And for the record, getting eaten by giant bears is the best reason I're ever had to keep my mouth shut."
"Should we stop talking now, you know, to be safe?" Twitch asked.
"We're not moving yet," Jace pointed out, and I let out a snort.
"Go ahead," Mira commanded.
The autocoach started rolling forward, accompanied by the soft clomping of the walking brick's strides. Now that I listened mindfully, I heard the other autocoaches following.
"We're moving now," Twitch observed.
"Then I agree we should shut up," Jace said.
"All in favor?" Cole asked, raising a hand.
We all raised our hands. "Aye," Mira said.
"As long as I get the last word." Jace said.
"What if I want it?" I asked.
Jace gave a slow grin. "Then you'll have to take it."
"Maybe I will." I said.
"I will for sure," Jace said, his stare intense. I had to look away so he wouldn't see me blushing.
"Guys, are you sure this is a good time to play chicken?" Cole asked. The autocoach was entering the forest.
"We have until the trees get big," I said.
"It's the Boomerang Forest first," Jace agreed.
"Any chance of getting slaughtered by giant bears too big of risk." Twitch said.
"Getting in on the contest too, Twitch?" Jace asked.
"Just trying to be the voice of reason," Twitch explained
"How about you guys say something at the same time? You can both have the last word!" Cole said.
Jace shrugged. "Seems like a nice, reasonable, cowardly way to settle it. Count me out."
"Me too," I said. "You're not going to beat me."
Jace smirked. "I will if I'm willing to get eaten by bears"
"Are you?" I asked.
"Out of stubbornness?" Jace asked. "Sure, why not? I considered myself dead on my first sky castle mission. Helped my nerves. The rest of this is just borrowed time. A bonus."
I raised an eyebrow. "But things have changed. We're not Raider's anymore."
Jace cocked his head with a smirk on his lips, as if unsure he believed me. "The danger feels about the same. Or worse."
"What about that freemark?" I asked, glancing at his wrist.
Jace jerked a little, the comment cracking his facade. He rubbed his wrist and stared out the window. "You're right. That hasn't really sunk in yet." He glanced my way. "I guess . . . it would be stupid to throw my life away to win some contest."
"Right?" I said appreciatively.
"Of course, if you're going to die . . . ," Jace said.
"Might as well be doing something stupid?" I said, a traitorous smile on my lips. "The good stupid is the brave kind. When there's a real reason behind it. Bad stupid is everything else."
"The same is true for you," Jace said, smirking. "You're being just as obstinate. Just as dumb. So why do I have to back down?"
"To show you're the bigger person?" Mira tried.
"I don't get how losing makes me big," Jace said.
"Guys," Cole said. "We're deep in the woods. The trees are looking bigger. This isn't funny anymore. You two can flirt later."
Jace smiled wide. "Wrong. It's just getting funny. Do you know what the punch line will be? I hear they look like huge bears."
"You're a riot," I said bluntly.
"I'll die laughing," Jace said. "Go ahead, test me."
"Kendal, this is crazy. Let him have the last word. Who cares? We have too much to do, too much real danger to survive. If he wants the prize of biggest nut job, let him have it."
I looked from Cole to Jace and back. "No. He doesn't have to always get his way."
"I kind of do," Jace said. "Want to know the secret? You don't bluff."
I thought Jace had been kidding before, but something about the way he said it made me really wonder. Of course, that was probably the point.
"Kendal," Cole repeated.
"Cole's right." Twitch said quietly.
"And the grasshopper is back in the contest!" Jace cried.
Twitch glared, lips compressed, but said no more.
Bertram leaned forward. "Might want to stop speakiang now. Up ahead is a stretch where talking could prove problematic."
Everyone fell silent. Leaning out the window, I peered ahead. The path had mostly straightened. About a hundred yards forward on my side, partly obscured by lesser vegetation, I saw a soaring tree with a trunk wider than the autocoach The path went right by it. I could glimpse others beyond.
"Big tree," I said, pulling back into the compartment "Really big tree."
"Liam might just be messing with us," Jace said.
"You know, playing a joke on the new guys."
"You know it's serious," Mira said.
"We'll find out soon," Jace said.
"Please, Kendal," Cole urged. "Dont make me knock you out."
I smirked at him. "I'd like to see you try."
"For the record," Jace chimes in. "I'd like to see that to. You'd probably end up with a black eye." Cole glared at us and I rolled my eyes.
"All right," I sighed, exasperated. "Fine. You win, Jace. Have your last word, and let's live to get killed in a more surprising way."
Jace's grin widened. He held out a hand to me and nodded once.
"That's it?" I asked.
Jace nodded again.
"You just wanted me to say that you could win," I said.
Jace gave a slower nod and grinned.
"You're so chivalrous," I said dryly, leaning back in my seat. It was actually pretty smart, not that I was going to admit that.
Jace shrugged, a smirk on his lips.
Cole made a zipping motion over his lips and then buttoned them. The others nodded.
I watched as we passed the first big tree. The trunks only grew thicker after that one. The path continued to wind. Some of the trees looked wider than my house. The grooves in the bark were deep troughs. The path weaved a slalom course through the towering forest. Between the surreal trunks, fragile ferns grew among expanses of dark soil and mossy boulders. The colossal trees filtered the sunlight, transforming the world beneath their layers of unreachable limbs into a twilight realm.
The steady clomps of the walking brick provided the main sound. Faint clomping reached them from the trailing autocoaches. Despite the rough path that had grown weedy in places, the autocoach itself made little noise—a slight creak when they hit a bump was all. Otherwise the ride was surprisingly smooth and quiet, especially when I contrasted it against the jolting and rattling of the slave wagon.
The atmosphere under the trees felt close and silent, almost like all of nature had paused and was listening. I supposed it might feel that way because I knew about the giant bears.
I thought about my jumping Sword, wishing I had retrieved it when I had the chance. Although, technically, it was only talking that would trigger the bears, I didn't want to risk the extra noise of digging through the storage compartment, just in case.
"Hello?" called a voice in the distance.
I looked across the coach at Mira. Her eyes were wide.
"Hello?" the voice called again. "Anyone?" It was a man, his voice muffled by the trees, like he might not be as far away as the first cry had sounded. What came to mind was some hunter or hiker who had lost his way.
Jace leaned forward and grabbed my hand, squeezing it as shook his head sharply. I nodded.
Twitch brought an urgent finger to his lips. Mira nodded, both hands over her mouth.
I knew they were right. This had to be a trick. And besides, if it was real, the guy had already sealed his fate.
"Please!" the voice called again, a bit fainter, as if heading away from them. "Help! Somebody!" I held Jaces hand tighter and squeezed my eyes shut. Soon the woods were silent again. I opened my eyes. I peeked out the window.
"Hello?" called a new person from the other side of the autocoach. This time it was a woman, her voice hoarse.
"Anthony? Where are you? Say something!"
"I wanted to show my grandnephews some of the sights in Sambria," Bertram said. "My grandniece as well. No laws against that I hope!"
Cole went rigid. I covered a laugh, as did Jace. Bertram was a semblance, so he was free to talk, but the unexpected response must have startled him.
"Is somebody there?" the hoarse woman called out. "Please! I've lost the road!"
Mira was shaking her head. We were all in agreement to keep silent.
"Please, answer me!" the woman called, her ragged voice dripping with despair.
"I'm afraid we're just here on holiday," Bertram said brightly. "I'm getting on in years call it a last hoorah."
"Please, help me! Someone! Anyone!"
"I'm not feeling my best today," Bertram apologized. "Better stay coach bound, I'm afraid. Aging joints and what have you."
The woman's pleadings faded behind them.
The trees remained enormous. They heard a couple more people calling for help, different voices, one male and one female, lost souls roaming the forest. The distant cries were faint enough that I partly wondered if my ears were playing tricks on me.
Finally the trees began to diminish in size. They were still huge, but most of the trunks were now smaller than the auto-coach, and none were as wide as a house. On my side, a deer ambled beside us keeping pace. I watched the graceful creature, wondering how long its curiosity would last.
"Greetings," the deer called to him in a male voice. "Are you good people lost?"
I watched the animal in stunned silence.
"Can you hear me?" the deer asked. I nodded.
I looked at my friends. Twitch mimed buttoning his lips shut.
"That isn't a very safe road," The deer called. Where are you trying to go?" I just ignored it.
"Think you know these woods better than I do?" the deer asked, turning away. "Your funeral."
"One and one makes two," said a voice at the other side of the autocoach. I swiveled to see another deer. "Two and two makes . . ."
My mind automatically answered 'four.' But I kept my mouth shut.
"Row your boat, gently down the stream," the deer recited. "Merrily, for life is but a . . "
I could hardly believe the deer was so blatantly trying to get us to say something. Twitch shooed the deer away with his hand, and it bounded off.
The autocoach rolled onward, and the trees continued to diminish until they resembled an ordinary forest. They passed a crossroads. Their autocoach went straight, but behind them, one of the autocoaches turned right; the other, left.
Me and the others stayed silent for another long stretch.
Finally Mira tapped Bertram and pantomimed talking.
"What's the trouble, my dear girl?" Bertram said. "I'm sorry, you'll have to speak up. My hearing isn't what it once was."
Leaning close to him, Mira whispered in his ear. I couldn't hear a word she said.
"Oh, yes, we're in the clear," Bertram replied. "Feel free to converse. After all, we're on holiday."
I sighed and let go of Jaces hand, leaning back in my seat.
"That's a relief," Mira said.
"I was honestly ready for the two of you to get us killed back there," Twitch said. "I was set to fly away."
"Sometimes you have to stand up for what's right," Jace said.
I kicked at his shin. "You were like a spoiled kid who complained until he got the toy he wanted."
"What did that make you?" Jace asked, having twisted to avoid my foot, but he was smiling.
"The adult who relented," I said.
Cole snorted. "Your just as childish as Jace."
I stuck my tongue out at him.
"That's exactly what I mean." Cole said laughing. I glared at him.
"It worked out perfectly," Jace said. "I waited for you to give me what I wanted, but I let you be the nut job who got the last word."
I kicked him again, I didn't kick him too hard, but this time it connected. I laughed along with everyone else.
Then Mango flew in the window and perched on Mira's shoulder.
"Good, good," the bird approved. "You're having fun. I hate to spoil the mood, but we have company."
"What?" Mira asked, settling back in her seat, all playfulness gone.
"Legionnaires coming this way. On horseback. Lots of them."

The Outskirts: The Sky Raiders (Jace x OC) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now