The Sky Raiders: 1

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Today was Halloween. My favorite holiday. Today was the one day we were allowed to wear costumes to school. I had decided to dress up as a fairy, matching with my best friend, Jenna Hunt. I curled my blonde hair and put on a short blue dress that matched my eyes, blue converses, with sparkly white wings and a blue flower crown. I also put on mascara and some light makeup. Satisfied, I walked downstairs to see my older sister Ashley, eating breakfast.
"Hey Ash," I said. "Do you like my costume"
"It's cute, are you matching with Jenna?" She asked.
"Yep!" I said, popping the 'p', "Today is going to be so fun."
I grabbed my backpack and said good bye to her and my parents and got on the bus.


I walked into class and sat in my usual spot next to Jenna. She was wearing the same outfit as me except a short green dress and green converses, with a green flower crown resting in her dark curly hair.
"Hey Jenna!" I said. I noticed that my test from yesterday was on my desk. I had gotten a 97.
"Hey!" She replied. "What did you get on your test?"
"A 97," I said, "you?"
"I got a 97 too." She replied.
At that moment, our friend Cole walked in. He was dressed as a bloody scarecrow with arrows sticking out of his costume.
"Hey guys" he said, plopping down in the seat behind Jenna. His test read 98.
"Hey Cole" I said.
"Hi" said Jenna.
"What are you?" I asked curiously.
"Are you a dead scarecrow?" Asked Jenna.
"Close," Cole replied. "I'm a scarecrow that got used for target practice."
"Ohhhhhhh." I said.
"Are those real arrows?" Asked Jenna.
"Yeah, but I broke off the tips." He said. "Halloween or not, I figured they would send me home if I brought sharp arrows to school."
"Yeah, probably," I said, laughing.
"You aced another test," Jenna said, "I thought scarecrows weren't supposed to have brains."
"I wasn't a scarecrow yesterday," he replied, "I like your costumes."
I shared a glance with Jenna before saying, "Do you know what we are?"
Cole scrunched his face, as if we had stumped him. "Ghosts?"
I rolled my eyes and said, "you know, right?"
Cole nodded, "your a cheerleader."
"Wrong," said Jenna.
"I'm kidding! Your fairy's," He said.
"Wrong again," said Jenna, "Are you even trying!"
"Seriously?" Cole asked, "I thought I had it that time."
"Kidding," she said, "We're fairy's"
"I knew it." He said. We all laughed.
"Hey, did you guys here about the new haunted house?" He asked.
"On Wilson Avenue?" I asked.
"Yeah," said Jenna. "People keep talking about it. I've never really been into Halloween decorations, I always know there fake." She said.
"Yeah, me too." I said.
"The guy who just moved in there supposedly did effects for Hollywood," Cole replied. "I heard that some of the stuff in his spook alley is real. Like live bats and tarantulas and amputated body parts from the hospital."
"I guess that might be freaky." Jenna said.
"I'd have to see it to believe it." I replied.
"It's supposed to be free," Cole said, "are you going trick-or-treating?"
"Yeah, we're going with Lacie and Sarah, you?"
I asked.
"I was planning to go around with Dalton." He said.
"Do you know the address?" Jenna asked.
"For the haunted house?" Cole asked. "I wrote it down."
"We should check it out, want to meet up around seven?" I said.
"Where?" Cole asked, obviously trying to hide his nervousness, and failing.
"Do you know that guys house in the corner with the huge flagpole?" Jenna said.
"Sure." He replied. "Meet there?"
Everyone knew that house. It was a one story house, but the flag pole was basically a skyscraper. The old guy looks like a veteran. He raised and lowered the flag every morning and night.
"Bring the address." Jenna said.
Mr. Brock started class a few minutes later. I couldn't focus much, I was nervous.
The rest of the day passed in a blur. I tried to pay attention but I was difficult when you were going to a haunted house, supposedly with real human amputations. When the day was finally over, I took the bus home, and prepared to meet up with Jenna.

The Outskirts: The Sky Raiders (Jace x OC) BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now