Chapter 1 : Who's the Lady??

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❤ Chapter 1 ❤

Stars softly twinkling in the sky, The small animal making noises in the background , The villa that were secluded in the middle of forest were shrouded with the moonlight..
Beside the villa, there's a small lake.. The moonlight were shining on the lake and it gave the lake more mysterious scenery.

On the veranda of the villa there's lies some lady that been slumbering deeply..
After a while, The lady woke up from her deep slumber..
Yet there's no trace of sleep from her. She sat up from the couch and look at the guy that's been staring on her since she's been sleeping.

"Say, how long are you gonna keep staring at me~?". She remarked as she yawning.. Stretching her hands as she just woke up.

The said guy that been fascinated by the view since awhile ago snap out of his stupor as he heard the seductive voice that's he's been wanting to hear for a long time..

"Its been awhile Hayoung, I miss you. How are you? Its hard to contact you considering the busy schedule of this new life of mine." DG speaking with a bitter feeling..

'If only she become an idol like me, Then at least we will see each other often.' He thought with resentment on his eyes. Annoyed that he can't spent time with her.

She's looking at him with a deep stare and then she stand from her couch and step forward to pinch his cheeks.

"My oh my~ Does my baby James really miss me? I'm honored to receive this Gift~". She said it while tapping his nose. Smirking as she found it's amusing The Genius James Lee is missing her.

He hold the hand that tapping his nose and brought it to his lips.. Giving a light kiss on it. He chuckle as he know that she's just joking around as she's someone that Choi Dongsoo respect and fear.

"Its me who's the one been honored, To be in your presence, Milady." he retorted as he staring deeply at her eyes with a smirk on his lips. Keeping her hand on his cheek.

She taking back her hand harshly, While dropping the sweet act. Upset that he's interupting her vacation.

'It's been awhile since I got a vacation and he had to ruin it.' she thought as she glare at him.

"Okay, enough.! What's exactly the real reason you were here James?! You know its my vacation right?! Let me rest in peace without any human interaction for a while.!
Its stressful enough with Goo that keep blabbering to my ears.!
When I thought  I can finally take a rest from those guys.! You had to ruin it! If your explanation don't satisfied me-" Her hand were clenching so hard that vein were seen on her hand as she's glaring at DG..

DG were glancing at her hand that she were clenching and he step backward while trying to pacify her..

"Hey, Sorry..Sorry. I know you on vacation. But coming here is because I need your help for something.
Will you listen to it for a sec? Maybe this can satisfy your desire for mischief ? " He smile a little with a sweatdrop on his cheek.
Hoping that the lady desire for mischief will help him on this problem, If not he might die here.

She's judging  whether to listen to DG or not. After thinking for a few minutes, She's been bored from this vacation. Listening to him might satisfy the boredom on her.

'Maybe listening to him will make my days interesting. It's not like I had anything to do anyway'. She thought with amusement flickering on her eyes.

"Okay, I will listen to this problem of yours. Why don't we get seat while talking." She stated and she walk back to the couch that she's been sleeping while gesturing to DG to sit opposite her.

DG walk and sit on the couch that she's pointing at. He were deep in his thought of how to convince her to stay at ptj as a trainee.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2022 ⏰

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