Fiery Beach Date

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T: How do you always know what to say?

S: I don't think you've noticed how predictable the people we know are.

T: Really? Well, forget about that, lets have fun!

I grabbed Saiki's hand and dragged him to the shore.

T: Do you know how to have fun at the beach?

S: Well yeah.

T: Then let's get started!

I splashed water at him. He dipped his two hands to the ocean, and next thing I know, a gigantic wave of water formed in front of me and swept me of my feet.

S: Oops. Are you ok?

I looked at his slightly worried face and laughed.

T: Be gentler next time

S: Got it.

T: But that's enough of that, Lets go swimming!

I jumped to the water before Saiki to get ahead of him. I swam for a while and looked back. Saiki is not there. I looked forward and saw Saiki floating in the water in front of me.

T: Woah!

S: You thought you can outswim me?

T: Well I was trying to.

Saiki and I enjoyed our time swimming together. Well, Saiki wasn't technically swimming. He's more gliding in the water like a penguin.

T: Saiki! Lets have a water breathing competition!

Saiki pops out of the water.

S: Are you sure?

T: Yeah! 1 2 3 go!

I submerged myself in the seawater. As soon as I opened my eyes, Saiki is nowhere to be seen in the ocean blue. I came back to the surface of the water as I ran out of breath. I started to wonder Saiki's whereabouts. I don't think I have to worry about Saiki. But he did say some of his powers is uncontrollable. What if something bad happened? Great, now I'm sincerely worrying.

S: Teruhashi.

T: Aah!

Why does he keep showing up behind me?

S: I somehow got lost in the ocean.

You can get lost in the ocean?

S: And I found this.

He showed me a beige oyster with a squiggly mouth.

T: I don't think that's from Japan.

S: I might have teleported midway. And I soon noticed that everything looks the same when you're in the ocean, wherever you are.

Must have been rough.

The oyster suddenly opened and a shiny white pearl glimmered.

T: Wow, the pearl looks so beautiful!

Saiki plainly looks at the beauty of nature in his hands.

S: Do you want it?

T: Of course!

S: I'll keep it in the oyster for now. Here.

T: Thank you, Saiki!

I gave a bright smile.

S: Sure.

We did a few other things such as building a sandcastle,

T: Did you just make a miniature Himeji castle?

A Mortal God Accepts the Perfect Girl's Love (A Saiki and Teruhashi Fanfiction )Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum