Chapter 4

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By the end of the 3rd year of the war, it had turned into madness entire areas of the underworld and the human world have been completely destroyed thanks to each faction's heavy hitters, I myself have altered the landscape of my battles ever since I gained perfect control over the POD, that's not even including the multiple branches of Devil magic I've mastered.

The progress I made during these 3 years is staggering, I started the war at low-satan class and now I'm sitting at low-super class and it has gotten me a reputation not to mess with, that's not even including my POD form so with that active I'm not really sure what the limit of my power is but I don't really want to find out.

It isn't just the landscape though the losses each faction has taken are devastating and if it doesn't end soon it won't be long before 1 of the factions collapses, despite that, I dread the outcome because at this point there will be no winners each of the factions will just end up destroying each other so what's the point.  

No matter how much I warn Lucifer that prolonging this war any further will only destroy our race he seems determined to prove something to his father, so I have no choice but to try and keep the losses of my side to a minimum which has led me to take missions on by myself so that I can go all out without collateral.

It's exhausting and I can feel the weight on my mind grow with each massacre I commit but every time I remind myself that everything I'm doing is for my family and Serena, even if I have to turn into a monster I will end this war and protect them, which was how I found myself standing in a field of corpses belonging to both Fallen and Angels when I received word that Lucifer was taking the other Satans to take on God.

Cursing the stupid old bastard I left to make sure nothing goes wrong ignoring any Fallen or Angels I may have missed, but of course, in war nothing is ever easy so I arrived to find massive armies from the 3 factions with the leaders trading blows and sensed the reason for my increasing speed getting closer.

I make it in time quickly flaring my demonic power and catching the attention of the leaders before I make 2 massive ice walls opposite each other with the armies in between and brace, before anyone can question or react to my action 2 agonisingly loud roars ring out and an unbearable pressure smashes against my walls.

The Ice walls crack but still stand and the 2 creatures that hit them gain their bearings and ascend to try and find the source of their interruption, I can see members of the armies pale as the giant red and white dragons reveal themselves and as their gazes lock onto me I have only a single thought.


Abandoning my walls I quickly fly out of the way of the 2 devasting attacks each sent from a separate dragon and stop when I'm at the same elevation.

Right so now I have to fight these 2 lizards without using my POD form or risk massive collateral since the idiots don't seem to want to run away, that leaves me fighting both Ddraig and Albion with just my devil magic because I doubt my sword will do much, Ill just have to hope that my own race is smart enough to back up when they see my form, fuck this is gonna be a pain in the ass.

3rd Pov

While the Four Satans fight God, the Grigori leaders back off Azazel ignoring Kokabiels complaining as he analyzes the fight between the 2 dragons and the Devil he heard his fallen calling a Goddess of Destruction, he had to admit he was curious about what she could do and if the tales about her are true so he decided to pay close attention.

Alpha took a deep breathe before quickly flying to the left dodging the blue flames from Albion and firing a ball of POD at Ddraig to stop him from attacking, using the opportunity she charges Ruin Rain and fires it above Albion watching the orbs collide with his back earning a roar of pain from the dragon. 

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