"And on behalf of the people, I command you. Do it," Harriet finished proudly.

The Doctor grins maniacally at his two companions. That's when Elizabeth actually felt scared for life.


"How do we get out?" Rose asked the alien.

The alien grabbed the suit case and opened it up. "We don't. We stay here."

He starts filing through papers and folders. "Use the 'buffalo' password, it overrides everything," He commands.

While Mickey clicks away on his computer hacking into the Royal Navy, Elizabeth scoots closer to The Doctor. "Right, we need to select a missile."

"We can't go nuclear. We don't have the defense codes." Mickey spoke over the phone.

"We don't need it. All we need is an ordinary missile." The Doctor said to him. He subconsciously grabbed onto Elizabeth's hand and squeezed it softly. "What's the first category?"

"Sub harpoon, UGM-84A," Mickey answers.

"That's the one! Select!" The Doctor shouts. "You ready for this?"

Then there was silence.

Mickey fired a missile. A missile that was heading their way.

"How solid are these?" Harriet asks, pointing at the steel doors. "Not solid enough," The Doctor answers. "Built for short-range attack. Nothing this big."

Elizabeth's grip on The Doctor's hand tightens.

"Alright. Now I'm making the decision," Rose begins as she looks around the room. "I'm not gonna die. We're gonna ride this one out. It's like what they say about earthquakes. You can survive them by standing under a doorframe." 

"But, this is a missile, Rose. Not an earthquake," Elizabeth commented.

Rose opened up the cupboard that was stationed in the corner of the room. "Now, this cupboard's small, so it's strong. Help me!"

The girl started emptying the closet of old junk that was stored in there. "It's on radar!" Mickey yells.

"Stop them intercepting it!" The Doctor commands.

The group finally quickly gathers on the floor of the small cupboard, bracing for impact.

"Well, it's been nice knowing you all," Harriet tells the group of time travelers. The Doctor grasped tightly onto Elizabeth's hands and she clamped her eyes shut. 

The room shook, tremendously. Elizabeth's ears were ringing and she felt like the air from her body was being sucked up by a vacuum. The sound of the explosion was ear shattering and she thought she would never hear again. 

Suddenly, the cupboard rolled. The group screamed in terror as they were being tossed about in the small chamber. 

Then it came to a stand still. 

Elizabeth had landed right on The Doctor as they stopped rolling. She rolled over and let out a large breath she had been holding in. "Holy Mary, Mother of God," She mumbled.

The Doctor stood up and stumbled to the door of the shelter, as soon as he reached the door he pushed it off. The group was finally free. 

Rose was the first to step out onto the aftermath of the explosion. "Made in Britain!" Harriet exclaims as she exits.

Elizabeth, who was still lying on floor, rolled her eyes at the comment. The Doctor held out a hand for her and she graciously accepted his help. 

The two stumbled out behind Rose and Harriet Jones. They were all alive. "Well, Doctor, I can mark off surviving a missile strike off my list." Elizabeth cackled as she made her way through the rubble.

"Oh my God!" An officer exclaims as he quickly approaches them. "Are you alright?"

Harriet whips out her I.D, "Harriet Jones, MP, Flydale North. I want you to contact the UN immediately. Tell the ambassadors the crisis is over. They can step down." 

"Someone's got a hell of a job sorting this lot out." Elizabeth states, eyeing the mess they were in. 

"Oh, Lord! We haven't even got a Prime Minister!" Harriet comments.

"Maybe you should have a go." The Doctor suggested.

 "Me? I'm only a backbencher."

"I'd vote for ya," Rose told her. "Now, don't be silly." Elizabeth shoves her arm slightly. 

Elizabeth grabbed onto The Doctor's hand and he pulled her through the wreckage. Rose had already hopped through most of the rubble. The group made their way back to the main street, ready to head back to Rose's apartment.

"I thought I knew that name," The Doctor said. "Harriet Jones. Future Prime Minister. Elected for three successive terms. The architect of Britain's Golden Age." 

Elizabeth huffed. "She's kind of annoying. It fits." 

The Doctor cackled and shoved her playfully. "Be nice, Liz." 

The group watched Harriet Jones approach the crowd while waving her hands like lunatic. She really did fit the part of the Prime Minister. 

"Well, better go see my Mum." Rose mumbles. The time travelers turned on their heels and began their journey back to the Powell Estates.

Elizabeth had joined The Doctor instead of visiting Jackie. The two raced towards the TARDIS and ran up to the glorious console. The Doctor began flicking switches on the console, and Elizabeth plopped herself on the seat. She picked up the magazine she was reading and began reading where she left off.

"Do you have Rose's number?" The Doctor asked, looking past the cylinder of the console. In his hand was a phone connected to the console.

Elizabeth snickers and joins his side. She punches in the number she's had memorized for years.

"Thank you, dear," The Doctor whispers to her. The Irish woman blushes and plops back on her chair. "Right, I'll be a couple of hours, then we can go." 


"You think I can travel through space and time and I haven't got a phone?" 

Elizabeth cackled.

"Like I said, a couple of hours. I've got to send out this dispersal."

More silence.

"Good. Put her on a slow heat and let her simmer." 

The Doctor walks around the console and approaches Elizabeth. She gives him a curious look.

"Jackie is cooking," He mumbles to her.

"Oh no." Elizabeth mumbles. She stands up and leans in close to the receiver to hear the rest of the conversation. "She wants to get to know you." Rose said.

"Tough. I've got better things to do." 

"It's just tea."

"Rose, you know your mother's cooking. It isn't just 'tea'" Elizabeth snorts. She could instantly feel the eye roll from Rose.

"She's my mother." Rose pressed.

"Well, she's not mine."

The Doctor finishes the conversation with Rose and hangs up. Elizabeth smiles widely, in which he returns. "Now, what should we do, alien boy?" 

The Doctor, if possible, smiles wider at the girl in front of him. 


hello there.

i have FINALLY got a laptop.

it's been 84 years


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