"im so sorry about her beomie" Taehyun rubbed Beomgyus back soothingly "you didnt hurt yourself after did you?" he asked carefully

"n-no...i was going to but decided its better to call someone instead" Beomgyu mumbled

"thats good" Taehyun smiled "im so proud of you"

Beomgyu blushed bright red and snuggled his face into Taehyuns neck

"have you eaten lately?"

"no" Beomgyu sniffled

"when was the last time you ate beomie?"

"last week" Beomgyu mumbled

"beomie...we talked about this you need to eat" Taehyun sighed rubbing Beomgyus back softly

"im sorry" Beomgyu sobbed

"its alright beomie, just promise youll eat whatever i make you?"

"please dont let me go" Beomgyu said holding tighter onto Taehyun

"i wont" Taehyun said "hold onto me tight okay?"

"okay" Beomgyu sniffled holding Taehyun tighter

Taehyun lifted Beomgyu up and carried him into the kitchen setting him on the counter

"im gonna let you go okay beomie? ill be right next to you though" Taehyun said letting Beomgyu sit on the counter

Beomgyu sniffled as he watched Taehyun cook for him, it was just simple ramen but it meant so much to him

"here beom" Taehyun said putting the bowl onto the table and pulling out a chair for Beomgyu

Beomgyu let out a quiet sob and stumbled to the chair

"do you need me to feed you?" Taehyun asked

"n-no i can do it" Beomgyu said shakily grabbing the chopsticks and grabbing some of the food, it dropped due to how badly he was shaking

"give me those" Taehyun said grabbing the chopsticks and beginning to feed Beomgyu

Once Beomgyu was done eating Taehyun carried him to his room and sat him on the bed

"do you need anything beomie?" Taehyun asked

"can we cuddle" Beomgyu sniffled

"sure" Taehyun smiled lightly laying down on Beomgyus bed, pulling the older down with him

Beomgyu held onto Taehyun tightly and buried his face into the youngers chest breathing in his calming scent

"how have you been lately beomie?" Taehyun asked

"my moms gotten worse with hitting me and im already failing alot of my classes"

"im so sorry about her beomie...how has!your mental health been?"

"awful" he sobbed "i-i lied to you earlier"


"i-ive been cutting" Beomgyu sobbed "its been so hard and ive cut so much i-i just cant stop" he cried

"beomie" Taehyun frowned

"im sorry" Beomgyu sobbed "im so sorry"

"its all right baby just breathe" Taehyun said soothingly

"b-baby?" Beomgyu sniffled

"sorry it slipped out" Taehyun said embarrassed

Beomgyu smiled softly and leaned against Taehyun playing with the youngers hand

"why are you cutting?" Taehyun asked

"everything just sucks its all awful no one likes me im alone in all my classes and i dont even have you to complain to anymore....us meeting after classes always fixed everything but now i can't expect you to do that" Beomgyu said between sniffled

"im sorry beomie" Taehyun kissed Beomgyus head "have you talked to anyone about this?"

"n-no i dont have anyone to talk to...my mom took me out of therapy because it was 'a waste of time and money' and i cant talk to her for obvious reasons" Beomgyu mumbled the last bit

"do you wanna talk to me about it?" Taehyun asked softly

"not right now" Beomgyu said softly

"okay" he said playing with Beomgyus hair "go to sleep your eyebags have gotten worse"

"will you be here still when i wake up?" Beomgyu asked

"of course beomie" Taehyun smiled softly

i need a Taehyun lmfao my mental state is so bad even teachers have started noticing

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