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25th December...


George POV

I ring the bell and wait for Alex and nick to open the door. Christmas music playing and lights shining out of the windows.

The door opens and.. Alex's stands there.
"George?" he says confused, "what are you doing here? I thought you were in Florida."

"yeah, i couldn't get a flight on time.. can i come in?" I ask "sure." he steps away and i walk in.

only to see a big Christmas-tree, green and red lights, presents and a table filled with delicious food.

"wow.. it looks so nice in here." i smile at Alex "i know." he proudly smiles. "who was on the door?" Nick enters the room, "George?"

"what's up?" i say "are you spending Christmas with us?" he asks as he places some cookies on the table.

"if it's okay."

"hell yes. we have more than enough food, but he don't have any presents for you.." he says "it's alright. I don't like presents anyways." i tell him.

"that's right, he really doesn't." Alex says
"but i got you guys a present." i pull two boxes out of my bag and lay them under the tree.

"dude. I feel bad now." nick says "no need to. I really don't like presents." i say as i sit myself down on the couch.

"uhm.. did you hear something from Clay?" i ask, he stays quiet and looks over to Alex. "no, sadly not." he then speaks. 


"it's alright.." i smile, "what are we doing now?"
"lets eat! Then we'll open the presents, after that we're going to watch a movie." nick says and sits himself down on the table, getting followed by Alex and me.

"i'm so hungry!" Alex says "me too!" nick laughs. Alex is the first one that takes something, followed by Nick and then me, George.

"how's your club going?" i ask nick "it's alright, could be better. Since it's winter, not many people go to clubs." he tells me.

"ah, okay."

"how's your work going Alex?" i ask
"huh? it's boring, as always. nothing changed." he says with full mouth.

"you don't speak with food in your mouth-" nick says as he takes a napkin and wipes the sauce out of his face.

I tilt my head.

"how's your work going?" Nick asks me, I lift my head up to look at him. "As always. There's no big change, unless something changes in the city." i smile.


"now lets open the presents!" Alex shouts as he runs to the Christmas-tree. "i'll open George's first, cause i like him more." Alex says as he starts to open my present.

"fuck you." nick says, but also takes my present first. "are you seriously?" Alex looks at me and i couldn't hold in my laugh.

"what's wrong?" nick asks "he bought me a bracelet watch.." Alex tells Nick. "whats wrong with that?" he laughs, "i can't read the time.." he says.

what made me laugh even more, and nick also starts laughing.

"you can't what?" nick laughs
"ha. ha. ha. very funny.." Alex turns his back to us.

as soon as i calmed down, i told nick what kind of watch it is.

"a Rolex?! where did you get that money from dude?!" Alex says shocked. "first of all, you can see that it's one, i don't know how you didn't saw it. second, it's a fake one and it was only 30£." i tell Alex.

"why a fake Rolex? you could've gotten me socks, they would have been use full, but a watch?" he says.

"I didn't know what to get you, so i got you a fake Rolex." i say "thanks man, but it's not useful." he laughs.

"what is that?" Nick asks as he looks at his present. "that's a bracelet. it shows your emotions. there's a card with the meanings in it." i tell him.

"you got him that and me a fake Rolex?!" Alex jumps up "duh?" i say with a grin on my face. "fuck you man." he says as he turns around to the other presents.

After they opens their presents, we watched a Christmas movie. It was a nice one, it wasn't boring or anything like that.


"you wanna stay over? It's late already." Nick asks "sure, why not." i say.
"where can i sleep?" i ask "you can sleep in dream bedroom, if you are okay with it." he says.

I feel my heart beat.

"yeah that's fine." i say "i'll show you, follow me." he says as he starts walking. "but i have to change the bedsheets first. since he left he didn't change them." nick tells me.

"no, it's alright. you can leave them like that." i say, he looks at me and starts smiling. "alright, this is his room. Good night, sleep well." he says before closing the door.

as soon as i entered the room, dreams smell hugged my whole body. I felt how my heart beating got irregular, my whole body warmed up and my knees got soft.

I look around and see that he has a bookshelf. I slowly walk over to it and see that he has many, many books.

I never knew he liked reading.

I slowly make my way to his closet and slowly open it. It's almost empty. the only things he has left is: a black hoodie, a white t-shirt and a pair of old shoes.

I take the black hoodie out of his closet and bring it up to my nose. his smell is stronger on the hoodie then in the room.

I put it on and make my way to his bed.

It looks comfortable.

I take off my socks, pull the blanket up and lay myself down. I put the hood, from the hoodie, on and pull the blanket up to my nose.

my heart beats faster and the butterflies in my stomach are going crazy.

where the fuck is this- this idiot.


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