fucking grow up

419 11 2

Nick POV

"come on.. it's not a big deal." Dream laughs "it is! you come home high as fuck, even tho you said that you were going to get clean! what is wrong with you!" I shout.

"it's my decision what i do with my life. you've nothing to say to it-" he ends his sentence before he throws up.

"dude!" i shout as i catch him before he breaks down to the ground. I hold his hair out of his forehead as he messes up the floor.

"that's what i'm saying.." i say "ugh. I'm okay." he says as he sits himself to the ground and whips his mouth, his eyes almost closing how high he is.

"please just fucking stop with this.." i sit myself next to him. he turns his head to me and smiles. "I will. I promise."

he slowly closes his eyes and lets his head fall down on my shoulder. I lay my head down on his and stare at the wall.

how the fuck can i help him..

a therapist is way too expensive for him, he won't let me pay it because he's stubborn. If i would pay for it, he won't take the hours for that.

i wish he would just stop with this shit. I don't wanna lose my best friend to heroin.

especially not dream.

Dream is the sweetest and dumbest guy I've ever met. he cares about his friends, but not himself.

he would die for me no matter what i would do. Of course i would do the same him.

he doesn't deserve this. he grew up wrong, he had the wrong friends. Then the thing with George, i don't know how George could do that.

Dream treated him right, as far as i know.

I can't believe that dream treated him bad. It's just not.. dream. Dream would give and do anything for the person he loves.

The move from George was wrong. he was meeting with someone while he was in a relationship.


It's not completely George's fault that Dream relapsed, but George isn't completely innocent either.
I slowly get up and give my best to get this giant on the couch.

It took me a few minutes, but i got it.
I take a Swipe mob and clean the floor.

I take my phone out and see that I got a text from Alex.


Hey, is it alright with you if i come over?

yeah, sure. come around when ever you want to.

Alex is a cool guy. he is funny and doesn't annoy anyone. he talks shit about George, but in the funny way.

suddenly the bell rings.

Is he already here?

I open the door and it really is Alex, with a bag in his hand. "I brought some snacks with me." he says with a smile.

a small smile appears on my face and i let him in. "Is he sick?" Alex asks as soon as he sees dream.

"no. he's just high again." I say as i sit myself down, Alex right next to me. "didn't he want to stop?" he asks as he starts to pull the snacks out.

"he wanted to." i say "he came home high and threw up."
"uhh." he makes .

"you wanna go for a walk?" Alex asks "sure, why not." i stand up, getting followed by Alex.
"we can leave him here." i say as i look away from dream and walk over to the door.

is there a second chance? // dnfOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora