Talon must not have dared say anything else since he placed the cup on the coffee table and went to take a phone call in another room. Vanessa wondered for a moment who he was talking to, but very quickly moved on to missing her own apartment.

She didn't want to be here with all of Talon's things. His movies, his blankets, food, drinks, just stuff. Vanessa wanted the comfort of her own home, her lavender spray that she'd use on her clothes and pillow when she was trying to get some sleep. Vanessa even wanted the deafening silence of living alone.

Talon's house was always so loud, so busy. His mother was chatting with friends, or watching a movie and there seemed to always be music playing from somewhere. How did anyone manage to get rest around here?

Vanessa leaned forward and grabbed the cup of tea. She blew on the surface of the liquid before bringing it to her lips. Taking a few quick sips, she enjoyed the way the flavor danced along her tongue. Smacking her lips a few times Vanessa went back for a much larger drink.

"At least this is one good thing about today." Vanessa mumbled to herself. She was feeling less than, especially since she had ruined what was supposed to be such a perfect date. Hopefully Talon would forgive her.

Vanessa wondered if she would need to spend more nights at her own house to keep the thoughts at bay. Maybe she really hadn't gotten enough sleep? But the more her thoughts started to drift in that direction the more she shook her head sending her hair flying around her face in a frenzy.

"No, the girl was real. I know what I saw." Vanessa stuttered, as if she was trying to convince herself more than anything else. She took another large gulp of the steaming tea and placed the empty cup on the table. She grudgingly grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch, the one that she found super itchy and uncomfortable, and tried to find any sense of comfort in the horrid material.

The TV droned on in the background, giving Vanessa very little stimulation. Within the hour of settling into the couch the stress of the day had finally reached her, allowing her body to take hold and her eyes to grow heavy. Before long Vanessa was sound asleep on the couch listening to the hum of the episode. 

The world was dark around her

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The world was dark around her. But the kind of dark that made you fear the air. Where were the stars in the sky? Have they too taken cover in horror?

Vanessa could feel the cool cobblestone beneath her feet. Where was she? This didn't feel like Talon's house anymore.

"Come on, you are going to be late!" A voice shouts from the abyss echoing off of the walls around her, making Vanessa feel like she was trapped in a box.

"Late for what?" Vanessa mumbled, shaking her head to clear the fog. What had happened to her in the last hour or so?

"I said... Come On!" the voice shouted much more aggressively this time. Vanessa was startled so badly her spine nearly snapped at how quickly she jolted upright. With so much fear coursing through her body, she couldn't help but oblige the voice, and she took a step forward.

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