✵ Staris

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Hiya! This is Aris ( starisredy )! But I do name myself Star online, and we mix those up to get Staris! Feel free to call me either Aris, Star, or Staris!

I'm one of the newest Catchers here, only became one 19th of September 2022, and I hope to do my best! :D

I write almost anything (or at least would have if I could XD) but most of my stuff centers around romance—which is usually depicted more on the subtle side. Right now, I'm close to finally completing a novel! It's a big deal for everyone, but I feel this is especially funny for me because I have quite the reputation of having too many drafts and works in progress for my own good that I've never finished any novels (Though I did finish some one-shots, and more of that will be coming out soon-ish XD).

Aside from writing, I love watching anime, and reading comics (webtoon and manga) and novels (or short stories, any works!)! I rarely have time to read, but I still find time for it every now and then, and especially partakes in more of them in one of Dreamland's clubs! Yes, join us—join the hunt.

Dreamland's book club, Hunt, is the one responsible for me taking some time off from time to time to just sit back, relax, and grab books to read. Other than that, I've received some feedback pointing out things in my works that may need some work, and I've been enjoying receiving those as it all helps in improving and bettering my writing. Aside from the book clubs in DL (Dreamland), I enjoy spending my free and leisure time on the Discord server and chatting around with other members! Or having writing discussions, joining fun activities, or strolling around the art channels because the graphics and art of the people here are lovely and always so inspiring!

I became a Catcher for DL because of how much I loved being here, and maybe in a way, I hoped more people like me, who never knew such communities like DL existed, would find this as a place where they can get a sense of belonging too. That is all from me, and do find me on the server if you ever read this (so we can ramble together about anything in my little corner) and you're interested in joining us!

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