✧✧✧ Mission Statements

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DreamlandCommunity Mission Statement

The mission of DreamlandCommunity is to offer a home for all those on Wattpad who feel like they don't have one. Find friends, readers, writing buddies, all those who make the Wattpad experience worth experiencing by stepping into our doors. Growth, friendship, belonging—we are here to offer it to you in our land of dreams.

Catcher Mission Statement

The mission of the Dreamland Catchers is to reach out to new and undiscovered Wattpad members to inform them of Dreamland so that they, too, can find a place where they can call home on Wattpad. Along with this, Catchers look to help people feel seen on a platform where it's very easy to feel like you're a single fish in the expansive ocean of the online sea.

This account is simply where we focus on our outreach to Wattpad members. If you are looking for the main account which features all of our resources, please see DreamlandCommunity. If you wish first to see what all it is we offer or bios of our Catchers, please proceed to the following chapters!

DreamlandOutreach: Dreamland CommunityWhere stories live. Discover now