✎ Retribution arc

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this chapter has not been edited since its release

November 16th 2020 - January 20th 2021

TW: Suicide

Reconstruction era ~ November 16th 2020 - December 4th 2020

The reconstruction era follows the Manburg vs. Pogtopia war. The L'Manburgians must rebuild from the ruins that are left from the previous destruction. Tubbo has now gained the presidency of L'Manburg and has established peace. Technoblade has been banned from L'Manburg, moving into the far tundra. However, there is a looming threat to the Badlands and the Dream SMP. Tommy, who refused L'Manburg's presidency, is on a mission to reclaim his discs while having to face the consequences of being VP. During this period, six new members joined the server:

Ph1lza (Philza)

ConnorEatsPants (Connor)

CaptainPuffy (Puffy)

Vikkstar123 (Vikkstar)



Also during this era, the dethronement fallout out occurred. Dream stated that George had been targeted by members of the SMP, stating that Dream thought George would be more neutral with the sides, deciding to dethrone Eret as the king of the SMP. Sapnap and George also broke any ties with Dream and created Mexican L'Manburg with Quackity.

Post-banishment ~ December 4th 2020 - December 16th 2020

This era is an era of mending broken relationships and of retribution. TommyInnit is once again banished from L'Manburg by Tubbo, taken by Dream to a discrete part of the SMP. Tommy later forms logstedshire with Ghostbur. L'Manburg has turned into a communist 'utopia' ready to fight and defend the little things they have left. The nation stirred to make allies and good relationships with the server. During this era, the "hog hunt" occurs where multiple members in L'Manburg hunt down Technoblade, putting Philza on house arrest while finding Techno. The fight ends with Technoblade slashing a pickaxe through Quackity's face, causing him to get a scar. Another faction was created, Mexican L'Manburg, with Quackity being the president. After a political protest and some conflict against Dream, they were officially recognised as an independent nation and renamed themselves El Rapids. The red vines spread through the server as well.

Vengeance era ~December 16th 2020 - January 6th 2021

The vengeance era is an era starting after Technoblade's execution hosted by the L'Manburg army. Tubbo decides to exile Tommy when Dream gives Tubbo an ultimatum of either exiling Tommy or begging for forgiveness, which they knew wouldn't work. During Tommy's exile, Dream blew up any resources Tommy finds, torturing him, making sure no one came to visit him, and many other things that ultimately left Tommy to attempt self unaliving, which was a fail after Tubbo saw Tommy fall off his cobblestone tower and tried to help him. Technoblade and Tommy become to be a reluctant alliance to reclaim Tommy's discs and for Techno to take revenge on L'Manburg after Tommy ran to Techno after escaping exile. After the failed execution, the Butcher army of L'Manburg plots to assassinate Dream by hosting a new festival.

Disunion ~ January 6th 2021 - January 20th 2021

The disunion era is the next step in society for the SMP. L'Manburg was defeated and dissolved after the Doomsday war, where Philza, Techno and (secretly a traitor to L'Manburg) Ranboo made an obsidian grid and used TNT to blow up L'Manurg, along with Techno's hound army, and withers from Techno. The Dream SMP asserts dominance over L'Manburg's previous systems. As ex-L'Manbergians go their different ways, the server prepares to stay in peace while Tommy and his remaining followers prepare to fight Dream. Ghostbur recruits multiple members to study the art of necromancy, planning to test it on the ghosts of the server, primarily himself. The badlands begins phase two of their grand plan to assert dominance over the server now that L'Manburg has been destroyed to smithereens. Quackity begins to learn the roots of society, politics and diplomacy.

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