✎ L'Manburg arc

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✔️ this chapter has been edited since its release

July 24th 2020 - September 22nd 2020

The independence arc is the second major arc in the Dream smp, following the Early Dream SMP. This section focuses on the creation of the nation of L'Manburg, and its separation from the Greater Dream SMP. This was the first time that the server saw a full role-play that showed the audience the start of the storyline in the server.

Independence war ~ July 24th 2020 - August 2nd 2020

This era was the battle between Dream and L'Manburg. A new nation of L'Manburg was created after being tired of the Greater SMP thwarting the drug trade of L'Manburgs drug van. War broke out after Dream refused to give L'Manburg independence. Many battles were fought, and the server was spilt up into different factions. Historical builds were made during this era, including the Camarvan and the L'Manburg Wall. Dream offered Eret to become King of the SMP if they betray L'Manburg in the final control room, which he followed through and became the monarch.

Post-L'Manburg war ~ August 2nd 2020 - September 2nd 2020

After the L'Manburg war, it was an era of growth and establishment of the religion of "Church prime" and the Holy land was created. The Holy Land is a piece of land in which all conflict is forbidden and only peace is allowed. Jack Manifold (Thunder 1408) and Niki Nihachu joined L'Manburg and many new buildings were created. The era also saw Quackity and Karl joining the SMP. Also during this era, Tommy ran over Dream, leading to the Railway Skirmish.

{Pet war}

The sides were as follows; Fundy was the leader, with Niki, Tommy, Tubbo and Quackity on one side, and Sapnap as the leader, with Punz, Dream, George and Karl on the other. Sapnap first killed Niki's fox, Fungi, which resulted in Tommy hearing about it and griefing Sapnap's house. Tommy then took Beckerson and Mars, thinking that they were both Sapnap's pets, then knowing later that Beckerson was George's pet. Dream then learnt about the kidnapping of the fish, logging on to ask for it back, and Niki responded to him by saying that she wanted an apology. The conflict seemingly ended when Sapnap apologised, and Tommy gave the fish back, however, it was merely paused. Later on the server, Fundy was furious when Niki told him what happened. Niki told Fundy to calm down and don't worry, whereas Fundy wanted to get revenge. 

Fundy looked for ways to get revenge, including an attempt to ask Dream for Sapnap's fish. After it failed, he was able to manipulate Niki to kill Sapnap's favourite fox, Sketchers. Sapnap was furious, as Sketchers was named and tamed before Fundy even joined the server. In his anger, Sapnap killed Fundy's enderman, Leonard, who resided at Fundy's house for a long time. He also took and burned the diamond block on Fungi's grave, Sapnap and Fundy continued to be at war and things became worse. 

Fundy soon took out his anger on Sapnap's partner in the Pet war, Punz's bee, Beenus. It occurred during the bee game. Tommy and Tubbo interfered and Punz lost all his things to them after falling off his tower. Fundy then manipulated everyone there to make them believe that Punz was in the wrong, which resulted in a small portion of the latter's tower being destroyed. However, Fundy also took a loss, by losing his nephrite leggings, Drip but Brown. 

After this, the formal declaration of the pet war occurred. Dream and Sapnap ran off to hide their remaining pets, and George, who was streaming at the time, was unable to go with them and help protect their pets. Fundy, who was watching George's stream, saw purple and orange pixels in the background, indicating that Dream and Sapnap had one of their pet foxes. Fundy and Niki ran off to the location later after the stream, finding the animals, and holding them hostage. When Sapnap realised his pets were missing, he became enraged and called for Fundy. 

He rejoined Punz, noting that Punz was dressed in diamond armour rather than his netherite. He inquired about his fine armour, to which Punz replied that it had been taken by Tubbo and Tommy. Sapnap demanded Fundy once more to give his pets back, enraged by the L'manbergian's actions. Fundy's 'drop but brown' was used as leverage by Punz, and Sapnap repeated his demand, threatening to burn the drip. Sapnap requested the return of his pets when Fundy finally responded to save 'drip but brown.'

Fundy said that some of the pets died in an attempt to scare him, but this upset Sapnap even more, prompting him to question how many whiles slaughtering several of Niki's hens. When Fundy realised his plan to scare Sapnap had backfired, he apologised and stated that no one had perished. Sapnap threatened to blow up Fungi's grave if he didn't believe him, and the two argued there. 

During the debate, Fundy mocked Beenus' death in front of Punz, who still believed Beenus was alive. Sapnap then branded Niki and Fundy L'Manbergian vermin for stealing Punz's belongings and escalating the scene. Fundy's demeanour quickly changed as he exclaimed that if the other L'manburgians had been present, Punz would not have dared to say that and that Sapnap only said that because he, Punz, and Karl had encircled him and were ready to kill him. 

Sapnap then encased Fundy in a box, leaving one block open so that Fundy could observe Sapnap detonate a bomb on Fungi's grave. After Sapnap blew up Fungi's grave, Fundy challenged Sapnap to a duel to end the war. Tubbo was the referee. In the end, Sapnap won the duel but decided to give Niki's fish back as a sign of peace.

L'Manburg election ~ September 2nd 2020 - September 22nd 2020

The era of the election revolved around Wilbur announcing to the server that they were hosting an election, wanting a fair way to be the president. Three other parties joined, making four parties in total.

POG2020 - Wilbur (President) and Tommy (VP)

SWAG2020 - Quackity (President) and George (VP)

COCONUT2020 - Fundy (President) and Niki (VP)

SCHLATT2020 - Schlatt (President) and N/A (VP)

Many minor events happened during pre-election, events such as Fundy 'disobeying' his father by taking SWAG2020's side. The election results were as followed, POG2020 came first, SWAG2020 second, SCHLATT2020 third and COCONUT2020 came last, with the majority of voting being disqualified due to voting fraud (suspected due to Fundy's ability in coding). Although Tommy's celebrations of winning, Wilbur announced that SWAG2020 pooled their votes with SCHLATT2020, leaving Schlatt as L'Manburgs new president. This spiked some hostility, but because of how many new 'allies' Schlatt has, the conflict was stood on quickly.

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