"Are you okay?" The boy asked as he walked towards me, I looked at him, before nodding and getting up.

"Y-yes, thank you." I said as I bowed in thanks to him. I stood back up, seeing the boy looking at me.

"The names Jotaro Kujo, whats yours?" The boy, Jotaro, said as he put his hand out. I looked at him, my mouth agape before shaking his hand.

"My name is Y/N Niromina." I said with a smile.

"Wanna hang out at the park with me?" Jotaro asked as he took his hand back and smiled back at me. I was so happy, somebody actually wanted to hangout with me. Quickly saying a 'yes' as normal as I could, which failed as the excitement in my voice revealed itself.

Jotaro laughed at my response before picking up my bag and giving it to me.

"C'mon, there's nothing to fear anymore! I'll keep those mean kids away from you!" Jotaro said, as he started marching out of the alleyway, I watched his marching form, before quickly catching up to him.

6 years later...

Today's the day I'm going to ask Jotaro out on a date. We have been friends ever since he helped me out in the alleyway when I was 7. Coincidentally, we are the same age, presently, we are both 13, but the weird thing is that Jotaro is already 182 centimeters (6 feet), he says he gets his height from his grandpa, or as he likes to call him, his Jiji.

But, I don't think I'll be able to go on a 2nd date with Jotaro, my parents want to move in a few days because my dad got a better position in Germany. That's 6,000 kilometers from Japan.
I don't want to leave Japan, but I can't stay, I don't have any family here in Japan I could stay with, and I doubt Mrs.Kujo would let me stay with her and Jotaro.

"That'll be ¥134" the cashier clerk said as he bagged the box of dolphin shaped chocolates. Unzipping my wallet, I took out the amount of yen needed before handing it to the clerk.

"Thank you!" I said as I took the bagged chocolate from him, he nodded his head at me before turning around to go back to working on a cake.

Smiling, I turned around and walked out of the bakers bakery, now making my way towards Jotaro's house.

Humming, I looked around, seeing that the sakura trees were blooming, pink petals littered the streets as cars and other pedestrians passed me.

It didn't take long until I was at Jotaro's door step. It seemed that Jotaro was the only one home since Mrs.Kujo's car was nowhere in sight.


I got the bagged chocolates out, ready to give it to him once he had opened the door.

The sound of the wood and paper of the sliding doors to the old mansion they lived in, I saw Jotaro emerge from the side of the door. In his now usual black coated outfit, along with his halfway ripped black hat on his head, covering his black hair, only a long, curly strand of hair came out from under the hat.


"You're here again?" Jotaro said as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"What?..." I mumbled as I looked up at Jotaro, he had a tired and unhappy expression on his dace.

"Your so clingy, its tiring. Why don't you go away! Everywhere I go your always following like a lost puppy. Its pathetic." Jotaro said as he glared down at me.

I looked up at him, a smile frozen on my face. My breath hitched for a moment before I looked down at my hands.

"I'm sorry." I apologized, bowing down before standing up right. The sliding door was slammed shut in my face, finally making the frozen smile on my face melt into one of sadness.

Crouching down and placing the bagged chocolates onto the doorstep, before standing up and walking away, off of Mrs.Kujo's property before making my way back home.

"Are you ready to go, Y/N?" My mother asked as she finished loading up the car. My father was already in the car, talking to his boss over the phone.

"I am." I said as I walked out of the house, a bag in my hands.

Nodding, my mother opened the passenger door and sat down into the car. Following her, I sat down in the back seat, setting my bag onto the seat next to me before resting my head on the window.

Watching as the trees and houses passed the window as my father drove to the airport.

"Goodbye, Jotaro." I whispered as I boarded the plane.

Jotaro pov...

"Your so clingy, its tiring. Why don't you go away! Everywhere I go you're always following like a lost puppy. Its pathetic."

Slamming the door shut, I brought my hand up to my face, sighing as I rubbed my nose bridge. Everythings so fucking stressful.

...wait, shit, why the fuck did I say that.

I quickly slid open the door, regretting what I had just said to my only friend.

"Wait, Y/N, I didn't mean what I said...shit, she's gone. I fucked up." I cursed at myself, before looking down at something on my doorstep. It was a bag of chocolates.

Crouching down, I picked up the bag, inspecting the outside of it before opening it up...it was dolphin shaped chocolates. Fuck.

How the fuck am I going to apologize to her? I'm such a fucking idiot.

Three days later...
At school (Japan)
Jotaro pov

"Did you hear?"

"Yeah, I heard...sad right, well, I mean, he wasn't lying."

Whispers, whispers, and whispers. That's all I have been hearing all day, so irritating.
Stopping in front of my locker, I unlocked it, getting ready to have love letters and other shit come piling out of it, except, it was empty. That's unusual.

Looking around, watching as students around me were quickly looking away, it seems their whispering has me involved.

Looking back into my locker, I grabbed my biology books before closing my locker and slowly making my way to class, again. Now that I think about it though, I haven't seen Y/N around today, or yesterday. Shit, why the fuck did I say that to her.

"Oh my god, really?"

"Yeah, I heard she moved. Sad right?"

"Oh, poor girl. And she was his friend right."

That's it.

"Hey." I called out to the duo who were whispering loud enough the whole school.

"O-Oh, hi Jotaro-kun."

"Cut the crap, what are you two and the whole school whispering about. It's getting annoying." I said as I glared at the two students. I wanted this to hurry up, so I can hurry up with classes and head over to Y/N's house to apologize.

"W-Well, umm, your friend, Y/N-"

"Yeah, what about her? This better not be some false rumor ." I said, getting a little angry that she was the one the whole school was whispering about, they better not have spread a fucking rumor about her.

"Well, she moved today, when we were passing the principal's office this morning, we heard her asking for her school documents because she was moving somewhere else." The girl said.

I was frozen in shock, is this why she came to my house with those chocolates? Did she want to spend time with me before she had to leave? Fuck fuck fuck fuck!

My aura had changed, I could tell because everyone around me, including the girls that told me about Y/N, had fled from my sight.

"Fuck, how stupid could I be, why did I say that stuff to her." I quietly said to myself as I took my hat off and finger-combed through my hair.

"Im such a fucking idiot."

(Discontinued)Past Troubles [JotaroxReader]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora