Chapter 1

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Tay's POV

The piece I had finally chosen to purchase was going up for auction next, and I could feel my stomach churning with anticipation. This was my chance at last.

A few other people also wanted to buy the artwork when the auction started. I wanted to snarl at them as I turned to look around. Instead, I kept placing bids. When the cost increased to $500,000, the majority of people eventually gave up. It was still challenging for me to eventually get an authentic Callisto piece because there were a few other bidders left.

At that moment, I smelled a very familiar scent before that person appeared right next to Gun. I kept bidding, pushing my body to behave until I just can't take it anymore.

"One million dollars! " I yelled.

With horrified looks on their faces, everyone turned to face me. The bid had not even reached six hundred thousand. But  I really wanted to win this auction so that I could get the artwork and can finally concentrate on New, whose scent was driving me crazy.


When I heard the auctioneer's final words, my shoulders relaxed. Despite having just spent a million dollars, I felt as though I had just won the jackpot. Off gave me a shoulder pat and congratulated me as I smiled.

When I turned around, New's eyes met mine. It felt like a flashback of the first time our eyes ever met—when I was waiting for my driver, and he asked for a lighter.


As soon as I exited the library, the chilly air met my cheeks

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As soon as I exited the library, the chilly air met my cheeks. Before moving my glasses up my nose, I adjusted the beanie that was currently covering my head.

I was going to be late for dinner. And I know that my father was going to be upset that I hadn't learned to keep track of my time.

What could I say? I was too sucked into reading for my biology class. We would be dissecting frogs in class on the first week of the new semester, so I wanted to make sure I was ready.

I approached the sidewalk and used my phone to check the time. Alfred should be here any minute to pick me up.

I slid my hands into my pockets to keep them warm and played with the candy Alfred had given me earlier. For whatever reason, he always kept a bag of candy in the glove compartment. I figured he offered me some since my dad and I had almost argued earlier and that was Alfred's way of trying to help me forget about it.

Dad was trying to lecture me about college applications and my plans for the future when I hurried out of the house earlier—that's also the reason why I forgot to grab my hoodie. Although I hadn't fallen behind on my applications, talking to him about my plans always sparked an argument about how I should be choosing a profession that will "actually get me somewhere" and how studying music composition has no real future.

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