Vance's Pov:

"Why did she do this..""she's so perfect.""is it because of him..?""her mom..?"

I held her close to me not knowing what to say or do. She starts to calm down as I kiss her head.
I keep holding her as she falls asleep in my arms.

"God I love her.."

Y/n Pov:

Half asleep I hear another person at my door. I slightly open my eyes to see my grandma in my doorway. I closed my eyes again seeing the slight anger rise on her face as she saw the boy in my bed. I open my eyes again when no words spewed out of her mouth.

I see her face again, but with remorse instead of anger.

She saw that I was crying. She saw how he was holding me and how I was vulnerable again.

I hear her leave the room and close the door.
I sink into his arms and slowly drift back into sleep.

You wake up again to the sound of door slamming downstairs. And stomping with sounds of of items smashing around.

You see Vance slowly sit up beside you.
"What's happening downstairs?" He says turning towards you.
"Oh uh, I think my mom's home" you say standing up and grabbing a Hoodie and a different pair of shorts from your closet.
"Oh ok" Vance says straighting his back.

"You need to leave" you say gesturing to the window.
"I mean unless you want to meet my mom" you say

"Maybe I do" he says crossing his arms.
"Oh really" you say mocking him and crossing your arms as well.

"Let's go then" "fine"

You lead him out of your room, leaving the conversation from earlier in the back of your mind.

You reach the bottom of the stairs and turn to Vance.

"Stay here for a second.."you say walking into the living room where your mother was.

"Hey mamma" you say slowly sitting next to her.

"Y/n could you pass me my smokes" she says gesturing to the coffee table.

"Oh..uh yeah", you say reaching for them.

Not even a Hi, or hello. No how are you. No thank you for not leaving me in that damn car.

You slam the cigarettes down beside her and go to turn away but she grabs your wrist.

"Y/n I'm so sorry, please forgive me." She says looking into your eyes.
"You don't hate me do you? Your own mother? You wouldn't do that that me would you y/n"

You dont respond.

"Oh y/n could you get me a lighter"

So much for the damn apology. You scoff to yourself.

You hamd her the lighter and go to walk away again but she stands up and hugs you, lit cigarette in hand as she asks for remorse.

I mean I can't hate her right..? Only what she does, and how she treats me, and what this shit does to her. And every else. But not her as a person. I mean she's still my mom...

You pat her back as she babbles on about how she's going to change and what she's going to do with you.

Small tears forming in your eyes as she holds you. And as you listen to the same fake apology you've heard over and over for the past eleven years.

You see Vance watching from the staircase with a sad look on his face.

Your mom starts to stumble as you guide her back to the couch, your grandma comes to you.

You hug her tightly.

"I know....I know.." she says rubbing your back.

You break the embrace and wipe your face. "I'm going to go out" you say walking back to where you left Vance and leading him out the door.

You leave the house and turn to Vance.

"Where do you wanna go?" you ask.

"Theres a diner not that far.. you hungry" he says back

"Cool" you say as he starts leading to toward the diner.

Ok so that was something. Lol. Also should I start a Brance fan fic on here???
Next chapter soon. No meme today :(
Love ya

All For You - ~Vance Hopper~Where stories live. Discover now