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When king Jaeherys Targaryen was eight-and-four (48) he lost his eighth child, his fourth daughter, Daella Targaryen, a eight-and-one (18) year-old princess. She died some days after having a child, a daughter, Aemma Targaryen, who was only six moons when born.The king felt guilty, for having forced his daughter to marry, she wasn't the first child he'd lost, and he knew, though he didn't know how, that she wasn't going to be the last.

He decided to visit a seer, but no one could know, so he used the secret tunnels, it took a while to find a seer, he didn't know where they could be, he was already giving up when someone spoke behind him.

—What is it so important for the king to come out of his royal castel? — he turned around, a woman with black hair was there,her arms were crossed, he didn't know what gave him the way he was wearing a cloak and normal people vestments after all, he ignored it and asked away.

—Do you know where I could find a seer?

—Luckily for you you're talking to one, pleasure, Zora Deadven, your grace.  — He winded his eyes, no one could know who he was and the woman in front of him was not helping.

—Please do not speak so high, if you haven't noticed yet I'm not here as king, and do not address me as your grace.

—Of course... your grace. — she whispered the last part, mocking the king.

Jaeherys ignored the woman and asked her:

—Do you have somewhere where we could talk in private?

—Follow me — the woman answered.

It took some minutes to get there, and as soon as they got there Zora opened the door inviting the king in.

Jaeherys looked around, it was a simple house and had some weird objects he didn't know what it was for, when gotten a look of the house he turned to the seer, she had again he arms crossed, her body leaning against the wall and her brows up, she was about to comment something but decided not to, he was the king after all and with one word she would get executed.

—How much for your services? — She tilted her head, giving him an amusing look, but decided to go straight to the point. But first she would him a drink, because she was an educated woman, according to herself.

She got three different drinks, Jaeherys couldn't tell what it was, but the looked old, older than him, Zora offered the three of them, so he could choose one, and as he didn't know what the were he gave the usual answer. "The strongest". He received a gold liquid, it looked to be the oldest one of the drinks but he didn't mind, he needed something to rely on at least once, and no lord would be bothering him.

 He received a gold liquid, it looked to be the oldest one of the drinks but he didn't mind, he needed something to rely on at least once, and no lord would be bothering him

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They had drank already half the bottle, it was indeed a really strong liquid but he liked, both him and Zora were already drunk but he needed to get his answers. So he spoke.

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