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    First of his name            

Viserys Targaryen has his target in sight and when he's about to release the arrow the ground shakes, scaring the stag.

Frustrated, Viserys goes to the direction that he felt the ground shake the most.

Meanwhile, Zora, a young witch recovers herself from the ground, with her eyes wild, seeing the apple she found in the ground hours before, seven times bigger, which wasn't what she expected as she tried to make it smaller, but it was good enough since her spells wouldn't work five months before.

When Zora is about to touch the now huge apple, she hears loud steps, too close of her to her own good, she tries to find a place to hide herself, but the cave she's in doesn't have any place for her to hide, so there she stands, ready to defend herself from whoever is outside the cave, silently praying to the old gods to protect her.

When the person steps in the cave, Zora see nothing but a young boy about her age, maybe younger. She release her breath, not being too scared now. He was nothing but a boy –a rich one apparently–, but yet she asks:

—Who are you? — The boy looks at her strangely.

—Who are you? — She frowns, what a annoying lesser creature, she thought.

—I asked first. — Zora gives Viserys a look that made him shiver, so he decides to answer.

—Very well then, i am the Prince Viserys Targaryen first of my name — He says with proud but all Zora do is blink, twice. — Now tell me, who are you. — It didn't sound like a question anymore, it sounded like an order.

— I am Zora Deadven first of my name — Zora mocks Viserys, angering him.

—How dare you, i am the–  — Zora interrupts him.

—Prince Viserys Targaryen bla bla bla, well I don't care who you are, I want to know what are you doing here. — She ask him with in a  serious tone.

—I was trying to find another stag since you -I believe- scared the other — Viserys finally took notice of the huge apple on the other side of the cave —, and what the fuck is that?

—Can't you see it?! It's a apple idiot — Viserys obviously knew that was a apple but never had he saw one of such a size.

—You know that is not what I meant, I am asking you how did that became so huge?

Zora arched her brow, did he not knew she was a witch? Her surname say it all, he really is a idiot, she thought.

—Imma witch, how did you think it happened?

Viserys blinked, a witch, he knew they were dangerous creatures, but the one in front of him seemed so...innocent, even though her acidic tongue.

—That was a very kind answer from you, thank you! —he shot it— how did you do it? What did you say it to make it so big?

Zora's cheeks flushed.
—Well, they were supposed to make the apple smaller then the original size but it made it bigger.

—And what did you say it? — Viserys was curious, he had never met a witch before and now he could learn more about them, maybe even learn a spell or two, that's if it he was able to perform one.

—Jiōragon rōva — Viserys's eyes winded, was that High Valyrian?! How could she -a witch- speak High Valyrian, and with no foreign accent. Viserys stopped for a moment but then he realized that she did not meant it to get smaller but big, maybe she was still confuse about the language, tough she had a perfect pronunciation.

—I, hm... I did not knew that witches spoke High Valyrian to do their spells — Zora looked at him confused. That was High Valyrian, she thought, before she could ask a question, the prince Viserys, she learned said —, if that was to make it smaller, I already know what you did wrong!

—What? — Zora questioned, that was her chance of learning more about spells without getting most of them wrong.

—What you said meant 'get big' not get smaller. — He explained, happy that maybe he could teach her something he knew well, most of the times he was the one to learn something, and if not, he would be sparing with his younger brother.

—And how do I say 'get small in High Valyrian? — Zora now had a small but not too small to Viserys not to see smile on her face.

—Jiōragon byka.

—Jiōragon byka? — Zora replied, saying it slow to not get it wrong. And Viserys was still shocked at her amazing pronunciation.

—Exacly!! Try it. — Even Zora could now tell how excited Viserys was too see her cast the spell, she liked it.

Zora turn to the big apple across the cave and take a deep breath, now saying it right, making the apple get to her original size, but that wasn't what she wanted, she wanted it smaller.

—And what do I say to make it smaller?

—The same thing, we can't translate to High Valyrian the actual word 'smaller' just 'small'

Zora tilted her head curious about how High Valyrian worked, it was not so simple after all, she thought.

—You know... I can teach you more if you like, every week I could come here and spend some time here, teaching you High Valyrian an––

Zora interrupted him.

—What would you want in return, if i accepted of course. —She couldn't deny, that was a great opportunity for her, but she was smarter than that, it was obvious he would want something in exchange, and she didn't had much to offer nor was willing something dangerous for herself.

Viserys didn't had much in mind so he went to the safest option that he knew he was unlikely to regret it.

—Well, in exchange I would ask you for three favors. I would ask them whenever I feel like to it, even if I did in two, three years time. That's all.

It was a good and fair exchange for both of them but she had to ask more.

—And what kind of favors would that be? Would I have to kill people?

—I suppose not, I wouldn't put you in such position. But mainly I would ask for your loyalty, no matter what, you would be loyal to me.

It appears he isn't that of a idiot, Zora thought. She stayed quiet for some minutes wondering if she should accept, the prince respected her, staying quiet as well but silencing praying that she would accept. After some minutes Zora took the knife she held inside she boot and cutting the palm of her hand, offering both, the knife and hand to Viserys who thought that maybe it was a thing of witches so he didn't denied or argued against it, soon both shook their hands, marking their deal with blood.

 After some minutes Zora took the knife she held inside she boot and cutting the palm of her hand, offering both, the knife and hand to Viserys who thought that maybe it was a thing of witches so he didn't denied or argued against it, soon both sh...

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Sorry for any spelling mistakes, this chapter was not reviewed so correct me if necessary (without being rude please).

ps: English is not my first language.

1157 words

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