19: You Wish

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"Matthew, if you call this a date one more time, I'm going to push you out of this car," I threaten my little brother on Monday morning as we're driving to the high school. I already dropped Jude off at his school so it's just Matt and I in the car and he is just loving this rare moment to tease me about a guy.

"You don't have to be embarrassed," He tells me with a teasing grin.

"I'm not embarrassed, I'm annoyed," I correct him. "Having omelets for lunch doesn't really scream romance, Matthew."

"No, but it's still something," He refutes. "I mean, considering I've never seen you actually talking to a guy other than Allen. And Tate is really cool even though you guys are complete opposites. It'd be weird, you dating one of my friends, but considering your lack of enthusiasm for dating just about anybody else, I'll let it slide."

I reach over and smack my brother's arm and I try to make it hurt but he just laughs. "Nobody is dating anybody."

"The fact that this gets you so easily irritated makes it completely obvious that you really do like him."

"I don't. Not like that."

"You do," He refutes with a grin. "Sure, you also kind of hate him because of what he did to Kathy and how he is literally the exact opposite of you but you also still kind of like him too."

"Are you Dr. Phil now?" I wonder irritatedly as I park the car in the student lot and we make our way into the building.

"I'm just trying to help, Hal," He says with a laugh. "It really wouldn't kill you to think about the possibility of dating Tate. Or at least dating somebody. Except for Allen. I think that he has a shrine."

"Since when was me dating Allen even part of this conversation?" I ask hysterically.

"What?" Of course, Allen joins the conversation from behind us. "Is this a dream?"

"Shut up, man, we're talking about Tate," Matt mumbles to his friend.

"Not anymore. You've got to get to class," I say as I turn to give my brother a hug just because I want to.

"Don't kiss me on the forehead like a grandma, Hallie, please," Matt says quickly, stepping away from my motion to hug him.

I give him a look before I lean in quicker and press my lips to his forehead even though I wasn't originally planning to do so. "Have a good day, little brother," I chirp before patting him on the shoulder and walking away, pretending not to notice Allen staring at my ass.

My first period class is a bit uneventful but on my way to my second period class, I'm bombarded by a grinning Allison and I can tell that she's up to no good.

"Come with me," She demands, taking my wrist in her thin hand as she pulls me in the opposite direction of my next class.

"Where are we going?" I ask her curiously but I still follow her, curious as to what's happening. When we round the corner, I can see a cluster of people standing around the lockers and I assume that's what Allison is showing me.

"Tate drama, happening live," She explains to me just before we get to the crowded area. "When I saw it, I came right to you so that you could see for yourself."

Curious, I keep walking and I only stop when I see what everybody is talking about with all of their focus on two people standing at one locker that is overflowing with pink carnations.

Tate and Kathy are standing together at the locker and he's handing her a bouquet of pretty flowers with an I'm Sorry balloon with the string wrapped around the stems of the flowers.

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