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CHRISTINA HART never realised how cruel, and selfish others could be. She never realised how one tragedy could change a person entirely. She never realised how loss was a constant thing, until after the world fell into complete and utter darkness.

The sweet and compassionate seventeen year old was born to loving parents, Maria and Jeremiah Hart. With both of her parents in the army, Christina was constantly on the move. She didn't mind it though, she always admired her parents for their jobs. She would often volunteer in any thing medical related with a desire to be a surgeon, the after feeling of taking care of others always made her feel like she had a purpose, especially after her mother was diagnosed with cancer when she was just fourteen.

Everything changed after that, her dad was dropped from the army after drinking on the job and failing to protect three innocent children in Iraq. The guilt swallowed him whole, he buried everything connected to that part of his life in the back of his head. However, he was forced to dig it all back up when the dead started to rise.

Christina hummed softy to herself as she rearranged some of her mothers old jewellery and makeup. She knew that keeping the house clean was the least of her worries whilst in an apocalypse, but it's the only thing that stopped her from completely loosing her mind.

The familiar sounds of growls surrounding the house wasn't new to the teenager, she compared them to the sound of birds singing in the early hours—annoying yet beautiful. However, the sound of people talking was definitely new. The streets had been lifeless for months, Christina was fully convinced she finally lost her mind.

"Oh god..." A manly voice spoke, which caused Christina's ears to perk up in curiosity. "That one is a kid."

She slowly and quietly walked over to the boarded up window, breathing shakily as she peeked through a gap in the wood. She hadn't looked outside in weeks, she was too scared of seeing a geek she once knew. Her eyes focused on a dark skinned man wearing a dark blue beanie, he looked well fed and Christina couldn't see any visible injures on his exposed arms.

"There must be someone or something alive in their." A feminine voice questioned. Christian's eyebrows scrunched together slightly as the women stepped into her eye shot. She was pretty, and she seemed younger than the beanie guy. Christina, was so focused on the new arrivals that she didn't notice that the women was looking straight at her.

"Shoot." Christina cursed, immediately taking a hurried step back from the window.

"You see that?" The women gasped, her finger pointed straight at the window."I think I just seen a girl, she looked young."

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