Chapter Nine // Annabeth Becomes a Dog-Mom

Start from the beginning

    "Straightforward and honest. No screaming. No, 'There must be a mistake, Mr. Charon.'" He looked over us, raising his brows. "How did you die, then?"

    Percy nudged Grover, and the satyr jumped a little before saying, "Oh! Um...drowned in the bathtub!"

    "All four of you?"

    We all nodded.

    "Big bathtub," Charon smirked, seeming to be impressed with our feat. "I don't suppose you have coins for passage. Normally, with adults, you see, I could charge your American Express or add the ferry price to your last cable bill. But with children ... alas, you never die prepared. Suppose you'll have to take a seat for a few centuries."

    "Oh, but we have coins," Percy placed three drachma on the desk.

    "Well, now ..." Charon liked his lips, making me cringe. "Real drachmas. Real golden drachmas. I haven't seen these in ..." His fingers hovered over the currency when suddenly he swung his eyes to me, "Here now, you couldn't read my name correctly. Are you dyslexic, lass? All of ya?"

    The Fates must have really been having a time because suddenly, Percy and I, in unison, replied, "No, we're dead."

    I could basically feel Annabeth's smack to the back of each of our heads as Charon leaned forward and sniffed us, "You're not dead. I should've known. You're godlings." He looked at me curiously, "You're strange."

    "No, I'm Sally."

    "We have to get to the Underworld," Percy insisted, cutting me off.

        Charon growled, and everything around us came to life, and I moved closer to my friends and brother as the big guy ordered, "Leave while you can. I'll just take these and forget I saw you."

    He went to grab them, but I grabbed them, giving him a cold look, "No service, no tip."

    The guy growled again, and it felt like my blood was freezing in my veins as the spirits around me started slamming their fists against the elevators.

    Percy held up a bag of drachmas, probably from Crusty's. He grabbed a handful of coins, letting them slip enticingly through his fingers, "It's a shame too. We had more to offer."

    "Do you think I can be bought, godling?" Charon said in a purring voice. Then he twisted his lips before asking, "Eh ... just out of curiosity, how much have you got there?"

    "A lot," Percy said. "I bet Hades doesn't pay you well enough for such hard work."

    "Oh, you don't know the half of it! How would you like to babysit these spirits all day? Always 'Please don't let me be dead' or 'Please let me across for free.' I haven't had a pay raise in three thousand years. Do you imagine suits like this come cheap?!"

    Despite wanting to sound sooooooo sarcastic, I said in a sincere voice, "You deserve better. A little appreciation. Respect. Good pay."

    My brother was stacking coins with each of my words.

    The clinking noise echoed around us.

    Charon was quiet for a moment before he muttered, "I must say, you two are making some sense now. Just a little."

    Percy added a few more stacks, "I could mention a pay raise while I'm talking to Hades."

    Charon sighed, "The boat's almost full, anyway. I might as well add you four and be off." He snatched the money off the table before standing, "Come along."

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