Chapter Five // Annabeth Gets a Gold Star And We Become America's Most Wanted

Start from the beginning

    Percy, Sally, what do you say?

    The voice made me jump and look around, confused, "Who was that?"

    No answer.

    Percy cleared his throat, his voice sounding funny still, "Um ... thanks. Thank you...Father." He looked at me, his green eyes glimmering, "For everything."

    I gave him a warm smile, our connection strengthening with every second.

    He nudged me, gesturing to the water, and I blushed, "Oh, yeah...Thanks...Father..." When I wasn't smited for not being on top of thanking the god of the sea, I sighed, looking up as a paddleboat passed over us and asked, "Should we find your sword and go find Grover and Annabeth?"

    "I already solved one of those things..."

    I looked at him, "Huh?"

    He pointed, and the faint glow from his celestial bronze (some special metal that most demigod weapons are made from) blade caught my eye.

    "Oh, well, there ya go!"

    Percy, take the sword. Your father believes in you. Both of you, The voice murmured through the water again.

    I once more peered around me, trying to spot the source as I called, "Where are you?"

    I yelped in surprise as a woman with billowing hair and sea green eyes appeared in front of us.

    "Mom?" Percy asked, his voice thick with emotion.

    No, children, only a messenger, though your mother's fate is not as hopeless as you believe, Percy. Go to the beach in Santa Monica.


    It is your father's will. Before you descend into the Underworld, you must go to Santa Monica. Please, children, I cannot stay long. The river here is too foul for my presence.

    I could feel Percy's distress beside me, so I stammered, "But...Who-how did you—"

    The woman turned her eyes to me and something flickered in them, hesitancy maybe?

    She moved to me, a hand reached out and I felt a current wash over my cheek, almost like a motherly caress as she said, You, Sally Elway, need to stay close to your brother. And your father has told me to tell you that the ring only needs a flick to be activated. I stared at her in confusion as she looked between us, looking forlorn, I cannot stay, brave ones. You must go to Santa Monica! And, please, do not trust the gifts...

    Her voice vanished, leaving us alone at the bottom of the Mississippi.

    "Gifts?" Percy shouted, "What gifts? Wait!"


    The image of the woman faded back into the murkiness of the river.

    Percy stared at her empty spot for a long few moments before he went to grab Riptide, his sword, and cap it before slipping the now ballpoint pen back into his pocket.

    He turned to me, lifting a brow, "What ring was she talking about?"

    I blushed again and pulled the chain from around my neck, shocked it had not been pulled off or broken in the fall.

    I slipped the ring from the necklace, tucking the chain into my pocket before staring at the ring in confusion.

    "A flick to be activated..." I repeated to myself. "What does that mean?"

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