
A sharp thunder light struck on the tree near me and the archangel statue from the roof where Luce was standing at the same time.

The tree cracked in half, a large piece of the bough did not survive, and it was falling down just as the archangel statue over to Luce, the bough slammed into the stained glass window, and I immediately covered my face with my arm as my foot unexpectedly slipped on the ladder.

I gasped as I fell with my eyes closed, but someone caught me and grabbed me, turning me away from the shards of broken glass from the window flew in all direction, I couldn't imagine how the hell that just happened that it was so quick.

I could smell his cologne and sense his familiar touch, his arm were around my chest and his other hand covering the top of my head for protection, his body behind me to secure and make sure any pieces of glasses didn't hit me. Cam's face was closer to mine with his chin almost touching my shoulder. My face buried on his broad chest, and when I opened my eyes, lowered my arm, and looked over my shoulder, I met those green eyes.

Cam frowned deeply as he caught his breath, as did I, because the lighting almost struck me with broken glasses, and I was on the danger of death. Cam's hand was slightly shaking, but his voice was soothing as he asked, "Now, this is the time I have to ask you if you're okay?" He began to look at my body to see if I was hurt or if the glasses had gotten to me, but I quickly stood up and backed away from his arm around me, and he eventually let me go.

When I saw his knuckle had a long cut and was bleeding, "I'm— yes, I'm okay." I stared at his cut, profoundly concerned, "But you're not," I motioned his left hand, flushing my cheeks and swallowing a hard lump in my throat.

"This is nothing. I'm totally okay." he said, shaking his head and hiding his hand behind his back.

"Are you?" I snapped, not meaning to, because I had just witnessed his knuckle was bleeding. Then I noticed Luce and Daniel in the distance, lying on the ground next to the archangel statue that had nearly fallen on Luce. "Oh my god, are they okay?" I took two steps forward to get a better look at them. Daniel saved Luce by pushing her before the statue hit her. Thank God.

Then I saw Daniel get to his feet quickly and walk away from Luce as if nothing had happened. That was strange, but then Gabbe came over and helped Luce get up instead, asking how she was feeling.

Then I winced from a sharp pain in my bicep beneath my sleeve and looked down to see a small piece of broken gold glass dipped slightly on my skin. "Oh."

I didn't know how to react. I was in shock. What the fuck.

Cam had a stunned expression on his face as I stared at him blankly, Am I okay? No, I'm not.

I started feeling the sting spread through my bicep. Cam approached me as I pulled the small glass from my skin and held my arm, and he looked at it. Ugh, I hope it was just a minor cut, but Cam seemed more concerned than I was.

"(Y/n), let's go to the infirmary right now."

"No, no, it's okay. Cam, I'm fine," I shook my head in denial, and then blood began to leak from under my sleeve.

Alright, this just gotten worse.

I became lightheaded when I noticed more small amounts of blood spilling from the cut. I think I'm going to pass out, I never like seeing blood—

That much.

The blood won't stop dripping over off my bicep.

From a small cut?

𝐅𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐫𝐞 || CAM BRIELWhere stories live. Discover now