"We should take her to the lair and tell Master Splinter the news." Leonardo said, turning to his brothers.

"Are you out of your shell?! Just because we meet a turtle like us doesn't mean we should friend them! She said that the Krang turned her like that! What if she's a spy?!" Raphael protested.

"Com'on dude! She seems harmless, we'll be fine." Michelangelo told him.

"The least we can do is put a blindfold on her, just so we know that she won't try to bring anyone else to the lair." Donatello said.

"If that's what will get Raph to stop yelling then let's do it." Leonardo said, untying his mask then putting it on me backwards so I couldn't see anything.

He then took my hand tightly, taking me to a place in the sewers. On the way to the lair Michelangelo kept asking me questions about myself, I told him everything and anything he asked and the others would add stuff to them.

It took about five minutes until we made is to the lair, Leonardo took the mask off me. My eyes adjusting to the sudden light changes, I had to blink a couple times. I took a look around, there was a huge living room with a kitchen, a TV, a punching bag, and a ping ball machine.

"Welcome to our home!" Michelangelo yelled.

"Who is this?" I heard someone say across the room. I look to where the sound came from. A rat? This must be this Splinter guy they were talking about.

"Uh- this is (Y/n). She was turned to a turtle by the Krang years ago, and she somehow made it to New York." Donatello answered.

"Hmm. Very well, it's nice to meet you. Can you be trusted to stay here?" The man asked, stroking his long beard.

"Yes, you can trust me. Nice to meet you to- uhh"

"You shall call me Splinter." He said.

"Nice to meet you Splinter."

After that, Mikey showed me around. The place was huge, there was a lab, dojo, plus they all had their own rooms. This is so cool! I didn't expect to end up in a place like this.

"So (Y/n). If you don't mind me asking, do you remember what the Krang did to turn you into this?" Donatello asked, sitting next to me on the couch.

"W- well, they broke into my house one night. They demanded my parents to hand me over or they would kill me, then they took me to their lab and did some tests on me. They used a green liquid they made, not sure how they made it though. They would inject some small amounts into my blood mixed with turtle DNA, the process was slow and I eventually turned to this." I sat stiff, holding onto my knees and looked down. Why did he have to ask that of all questions. Well, he is a scientist so it makes sense.

"Interesting. Do you think they might have used the same mutagen that turned us into part human?" Donnie asked Leonardo.

"It could be possible. Let's just focus on stopping the Krang and work our way through this situation." Leonardo said.

"Hey (Y/n). If you would like, you could take my room for the night until we get one for yourself. I can just sleep on the couch." Leo said, putting a hand onto my shoulder.

"No no, it's fine. I'm not to picky where I stay anyways, I wouldn't want to invade your privacy." I waved my hands infront of me.

"No it's okay, your our visitor and pretty much moving in right? I want you to feel welcome." He said, taking your wrist lightly and taking you to his room.

"I guess I have no choice huh?" I ask, he answered with a nope and continued walking.

His room wasn't all that bad, it had a small bookshelf with comics, some posters on the wall of space hero's, and some action figures. His blanket was made neatly on his bed, and a small lamp on the bed side table.

"Are you sure you want me to stay here?" I asked him again.

"I said it before, it's okay. Don't worry about it." He smiled, he began to walk out when we heard Donnie call for him.

"Leo! Raph is trying to beat up Mickey again!" Donnie yelled, then you could hear something in the background break.

"I'll be right there! Sorry bout that. Have a good sleep (Y/n)." He closed the door behind him and on the other side you could hear him yell at Raphael. What an interesting family.


Leo's POV:

The next morning I woke up early, doing a quick workout and training with Raph. I was meaning to ask Splinter if we could train (Y/n), he thought it was a good idea if she agreed.

By the time she woke up, it was about 8:42am. She got up and made herself breakfast, Mikey wouldn't leave them alone for even a minute. Other then Mikey, we could tell she was uncomfortable.

"So (Y/n). Do you find any of my brothers attractive? Have you had live at first sight? Have you ever had a partner? Would you date me? Have you-" he got smacked in the back of the head.


"Who's this?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned around and saw April, she just came into the lair.

"Oh, her name is (Y/n). She will be staying here with us, she got turned into a turtle by the Krang and escaped and made it here somehow." I informed her.

"Interesting. Mikey kept asking her questions?" April asked, smirking as Raph chased Mikey around the living room.


"I'm actually surprised Raphael gives a damn. Yesterday he was all like, "WhaT iF She'S a Spy?! We CanT TruSt hEr! Blah! Blah! Blah!" (Y/n) said. We all laughed at the joke.

"He the only reason I'm doing this is because Splinter made me!" Raph protested, we all know he has a soft spot though.

Once Raph was finished chasing Mickey, Mickey walked up to me and asked something.

"Hey Leo! So like, are you crushing on (Y/n) or something?" He nudged me teasingly.

"Wha-! No! What makes you think that?!"

"Well, you did let her sleep in your room. You held her hand. Plus you kept sneaking peaks at her when you put your mask on her!" He pointed out.

"Nonsense. Your making this a bigger deal then it's supposed to be. I was just trying to be nice." I told him walking away so (Y/n) won't hear anything. It was nothing to worry about. Right?

- To be continued -

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